Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Family fun/Dodger game!

Tonight I went to a Dodger game with my girl and our children. It was fantastic and really fun. Dodgers won, the 2nd inning we got 8 runs which included a grand slam. It was beautiful... I am very pleased. My son made a comment about not wanting to go anywhere with Amy and myself because we fight so much. That's pretty sad... We hardly fought at all tonight (only when it came to parking... Amy hates my driving and I hate hers... who likes a backseat driver?... nobody...). It was a lot of fun and I'm really happy that I forced my family to go to the game. Our seats were great and our team won. What a fun family night!! I love my wife and our children... even when they are brats... Until our next adventure...

Soccer blogs coming soon... yes, I know your holding your breath...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Thank God for puppies and illegal aliens!!

It's been a month since I last posted. I apologize and before you get excited, I can't leave a big old post tonight either. I love writing on this blog but it really takes a lot of energy outta me. I'm going to try a little harder to post more stuff here... soon...

My hit counter stopped working and I'm really pissed, I had over 14,000 hits on this blog. Musta been a glitch.

The kids finally went back to school after what they say was a "boring, lame" summer... must be rough... sleeping in every day for 3 months, not doing a damn thing... poor kids. We tried to make it fun. We camped, went to the beach, the movies and the water park one day. I spent their college fund at the fair and took them to a great concert. Whatever... pre-teens.

I'm pissed off at some of my friends on Facebook. They are old co-workers of mine that are seriously Republican and as if that's not bad enough, their ignorant. I know, I know... isn't that a give in? But, no, not always. I have Republican friends that aren't totally retarded. I try to have a legitimate conversation/debate with them and they bring up illegals and welfare. That's not Christian of you guy that posts endless "praise the good lord for this picture of a puppy and a duck"... Baby ducks and puppies need love but please don't give any money to a family of 5 that has no father around because he's in jail and no way for the mother to work and pay for daycare and rent... etc... How bout the folks that leave the "re-post if your happy that welfare people have to be drug tested". Yes, that is a great idea but the percentage of people abusing welfare and medi-cal is pretty small in comparison to the number of people that actually need it. It is much more difficult to get these benefits than it once was. I really need to do more research in this area because I am very close to telling more than one redneck hillbilly off in regards to their "I love God but hate welfare, illegal aliens and anyone that benefits from anything resembling good will towards men" Now, I am definitely NOT saying that it's ok for people to get government aid that don't need it, don't try every other thing possible to take care of themselves, or abuse the system so they don't have to work. I don't condone illegal aliens working here without attempting to become citizens and just going from Social Security number to Social Security number until their caught. There needs to be some regulation, some control. It's a lot easier said than done. My point here is that the right wing zombies (the people that just repeat what they hear on Fox news) often blame government funded programs and illegal aliens for our countries economic issues. They always say that the left blames the billionaires. Uh... yeah, the billionaires that don't pay enough, they are partly responsible, the mortgage brokers that gave out crazy loans and scored a whole lotta dough on money that didn't exist, the oil companies that are making their biggest profit years EVER while we are paying through the nose for gas. The wall street guys and the fucked up, completely unnecessary war that we started 10 years ago, these also contribute to our current economical situation. AND... why hasn't Obama fixed all of these problems yet? I mean come on already... Congress is TOTALLY cooperating with him on every thing he wants to do... right? God forbid he try to help the country by giving us health care that every one can afford, or offer up a stimulus plan. What a total asshole he is. Why didn't he wave his magic wand and erase all the debt that ol Bushy pants racked up for us?

These people with their fucking countdown until the next election, the jerk-offs with their "how's that hopey changey thing workin out for ya" bumper stickers and the dicks that keep saying that Obama hasn't done a damn thing to get jobs. Uh...neither has John Boehner like he promised. We can't create jobs if every friggin thing Obama tries to do the Republican run Congress tell him no. I guess I sound just as bad as the right, playing the blame game. It's a matter of how you look at it I suppose. Learn the facts... that's all I ask. And, quit bragging about how much you love the Lord while you trash all the people that are less fortunate than you. Quit saying that "your taxes shouldn't pay for welfare, health care and illegal aliens using all the free shit that's offered". Jesus probably would tell you to help someone that needs help. Jesus would probably want us to let the children of illegal aliens go to school and to the doctor when their sick. Wouldn't he? Wouldn't God want you to let the government help a single mother get groceries for her kids? Maybe he would say "teach those illegal aliens and homeless people to fish". Maybe he wouldn't say "go fishing for the homeless guy and bring him a 40 ouncer to drink while you cook the fish dinner" but he probably wouldn't tell you to call that homeless guy a lazy slob. He might want you to offer some kind words or a warm jacket or maybe pay a little bit more of your $90,000/year salary to help build a shelter. Wouldn't that be Christlike?

So... that's my "short" post. So much for just catching up on the latest...

In conclusion... I know that my right sided friends don't read this blog but if they did, I'd say this: Quit posting about how you love God and all the blessings he has laid upon you and your wonderful family when your very next post is about how thankful you are that God hasn't allowed our President to get anything done. Quit saying how great it will be in 517 days when another dip shit is sworn in to save our asses from our own asses. Quit posting pictures of snuggling raccoons and claiming that is proof of God's love while your bad mouthing the fact that the government is doing everything for lazy people. And PLEASE stop asking for less government involvement while you have a "thank your mother for deciding not to abort you" or "marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman" bumper stickers on your car. Instead of being pissed off about abortion being legal, teach your damn kids what a condom is... wow, what a concept! Instead of being pissed off about gay marriage, worry about your own damn marriage and quit giving birth to gay babies.

I'm not too sure about the existence of Hell but I do know Karma's a bitch.

516 days until Barrack is RE-ELECTED!!!

puppies and baby ducks
are really cute. Thanks God!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

More Dickhead Neighbors!!!

So some-fucking-how I've changed my e-mail on blogspot so whenever I log on, I have to log off and change the e-mail. I can't remember all these passwords, e-mail addresses, login names etc... seriously, it's annoying. I know your supposed to write it down but who has time for all that shit? Not me, I'm telling you that right now, not me friends.

So... the 4th of July was incredible!!! I had the usual great time with the neighbors and friends that are there every year and this year, we threw a little hot sauce in the mix and BAM! I got CRAZY with our dick-head next door neighbors. My dumb ass son decided to go in the back yard of our house and play with a lighter and some dried grass and try to start a fire. 1st of all, how stupid is that? 2nd of all, he's 11 years old and everyone knows 11 year olds are dumb asses. So this mean as hell, angry bitch that lives in the house next to us comes marching down the street and approaches my wife (big mistake)... she says to Amy "I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!!" Amy's like "fuck you" and points to me... (she knows that I'm the one you talk to when a kid of ours is misbehaving... she'll fuck a bitch up...). So this crazy lady walks onto Gramma's lawn (another big mistake as Gramma has had a few jello shots and will also "fuck a bitch up", like mother like daughter). We are having a block party and there is like 25 people on the grass. Gramma says: "get the fuck off my lawn"... oooooh... this didn't go over well... crazy bitch gets mad and I stand up. I politely ask her to walk down to our houses and work this out privately whatever it is that she is pissed off about. AND THEN THE SHIT STORM STARTS...

She begins screaming at me and telling me that my son is trying to set her house on fire. She tells me "all you care about is the fact that he didn't catch the house on fire"... uh yeah, that is kinda the point here right? your house DID NOT catch on fire so shut the fuck up... then we go into a screaming match and if any of you know me, you know that I am not the kind of person that stands up and screams at people. I do not ever, never, ever tell people off in a rude, obnoxious or hurtful way. I always try to work things out and use a big girl voice. I hate to make people embarrassed or feel stupid. I apologize even if I'm not wrong. I'm that kind of person, I try to see both sides... you know, a Libra. This time though, I had had enough. I was using my liquid courage and not for one more God damn minute standing for this bitch's shit talking. A little history will inform you that this woman and her husband have been nothing but mean to my son and Amy. They are rude and stare and approach me constantly about my son and all the horrible terrible things he does to them (it's always stupid shit like taking the bricks off their wall or leaving watermelon on their driveway... you know, really tragic, life threatening shit). So when she starts shouting at me about this little "almost" fire and telling me how he is just a horror and I should do something about it I completely lost control. I stood on my grass, her on hers with her dumb fucking grunting husband behind her and we shouted all the shit that has been going on for the last 2 years. I said that since day one, she's been a bitch. Standing on my lawn when I pulled into my driveway telling me I needed to wash the watermelon off her driveway because she would get ants. She replied "well, we didn't want to get ants". Give me a fucking break... really? ants? Whatever. I talked to her about the bricks Lukas used for a ramp and how she screamed at him and rang my doorbell to yell at me because my son took her wall apart. Fix the fucking wall if your so worried about it. Cement the God damn bricks down bitch! I told her that she was mean and rude and not nice. Yes, I went there! I told her that they were "not nice neighbors...". I know, right? I had to do it. I had to let them know that they were "mean" people. I told her that I've been nothing but nice and smile, wave and introduced myself when we moved in. She told me no-one likes us... I'm like "what the fuck? are you insane? I have more friends in this neighborhood than you've ever had in your whole life"... let's take a poll... bee-otch!

So... really long story short, she tells me "your always defending your son"... uh, HELLO... he's my SON!! Of course I'm going to defend him. I tell her "you have girls, you don't understand". She says: "I raised a boy, I know". I replied (unknowingly) "and I'm sure he turned out AWESOME". I later found out, he's now in jail. She shut up pretty quick after that. My brother in law shows up on my lawn and suddenly... the husband says "I'll kick somebodies ass if I have to". Really? Really? "Who's ass are you gonna kick? Mine? My son's?" It was ridiculous. I let her know that she was a bitch and crazy and their family will no longer push my family around. I have gone out of my way to be nice and neighborly. I have tried and tried to apologize for anything my son does, for my dogs barking, for all of it. But now, I'm done, I'm over it. I'm a fucking good person, a good neighbor and a good parent. I will not tolerate her fucked up attitude and staring at our big gay family anymore. Don't fuck with the nice guy because the nice guy has WAY better karma than you!!!

So... I return to the party completely feeling bad ass and my daughter, who wouldn't give me props if I jumped in front of a bullet for her, tells me "wow, you really stood up to her, that was awesome". It was at that moment that I realized, I did the right thing. My son was grounded but I earned the respect of my wife, my other neighbors that were too scared to say anything to those assholes and my 12 yr old daughter so fuck it....

Now, they still stare, give us dirty looks and try to listen to all of our discussions with any one we meet with in front of our house but they haven't said a fucking word and I'm waiting for that moment that she tries to confront me about anything because even though she's twice my size, enough jello shots and I'll probably punch her in her fat face.

...and that's another neighborhood soap opera story for you... until the next time... good night and keep smiling and waving at your dick head neighbors because they've GOT to be better than ours...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Wiener, Oprah & the neighborhood bully...

Hello again, Hello... just called to say Hello... OK sorry, little Lionel Ritchie goin' on just now. Let's talk Wieners for a second. No, were not talking about my cute little dogs, we're talking about Congressman Anthony Wiener, the Democrat from New York that sent photos of his wiener over the Internet. Whatever, who gives a dick? He got stupid and took a picture of his boner and sent it over twitter as a tweet instead of a direct message. His biggest mistake there is that he's married and shouldn't be sending anything to anyone except his wife. He tried to deny it, finally admitted it and won't resign. He shouldn't resign. He didn't break any laws. He looks like a dumb ass and did a really weird, kinda pervy thing but he's not a monster. He is one of my favorite to watch and seems to be really passionate about his job so, let it be. He will totally get re-elected and the people he's representing in New York really seem to like him so forget about it... let it fizzle out and get flaccid already... enough about wieners... I'm over it. (have been for a while but that's another post).

Alright, let's talk Trump... oh fuck it, let's not.

How about Oprah going off the air? I hate to say this but I love that bitch. She is really a big deal. She made a difference in a lot of peoples lives and the haters should really just take a look at all the stuff she's brought into the light on her show. I remember about 20 or so years ago a family friend said she wasn't going to last, he said she was ridiculous and I'm sure he mentioned something about her being a black woman... (yes, some of my east coast relatives might be considered a bit racist). Guess she proved him wrong eh?

So onto another neighborhood soap opera episode in a nutshell: kid 2 doors down is a total asshole, he has been a dick to my son since as long as I can remember. My kid's grandparents live 2 doors up from us and even when our kids were little and came to visit, this kid fought with my son. I'm not going to detail each and every thing that makes this kid a jerk but lets just say he has "short-man's complex" and is pretty much the neighborhood bully and gets kids to hang out with him by having the latest and the greatest of whatever is popular. I could go on and on but for lack of energy, i won't. So after several confrontations with his mom about the shit he's done to my kid, we haven't had issues since about November. My kid wants to be friends with everyone so he is always trying to pretend that either nothing happened or it wasn't any one's fault. It's a nice trait to try to get along with everyone but it backfires sometimes and he really takes a while to learn. He's finally learned with this one. The straw that broke the camels back was when the bully kid threw pine-cones and hit my kid in the head. He came home and said, "OK, I've had enough, tell his mom". That's all it took. Never mind that this kid threw rocks at his face, called him a "faggot", told him that his mom was fat and that his house is the gayest, ugliest house on the street, kicked him in the back and chased him with a stick that had dog shit on it... oh he also said everyone could play Halo at his house except "gay Lukas" in front of a bunch of kids... OK, so kids are mean... totally, but the straw was a pine-cone??? That shit musta hurt like hell... there is more that this kid has done, I just can't remember all the bullshit. So, I march my weird-gay ass over to his house, tell his mom that her kid is an asshole (nicer language of course) and that he needs to stay away from my son before I get crazy on their mother-f'n asses. (I am not the parent that shouts and screams, if anything, I blame my own kid before running around blaming everyone else...ask Amy, it pisses her off that I don't get more angry). So... this last weekend the little prick and his friend are walking down the street and kick my son's back tire of his bike causing him to fall. My son got up, walked over to the kid and punched him in the face...twice. My son has been taught not to fight, turn the other cheek etc... this time, I'm glad he fought back. The boy (according to my son) fell to the ground and then walked away. I don't know if words were exchanged or if the kid cried or what, all I know is my son stood up for himself and made that kid think twice before picking on him's the problem: He has decided to retaliate through really wussy type strategies. He has vandalized our cars. Problem 2: I have no proof. Oranges are thrown on annually at our house. The back yard occasionally gets a few limes and oranges thrown from the house on the other side of our next door neighbors house (evil dwells 2 doors down). This happened last summer and guess what? Day of my kid punching other kid, it happened again. I placed the smashed fruit in their driveway and then later notice that Amy's car was scratched on all four sides, across the trunk and a big X across the hood. Not so deep that it won't buff off and not so deep that it couldn't be mistaken for a bike crash or a parking lot scuff but 2 days later... I notice that my car was really scratched very obviously on the rear window just over my PLAYSOCCER sticker. Like 5o up and down deep scratches on the glass. I only noticed it when I opened the back to put something in, my truck is dirty and a little beat up so I didn't notice until later. This is bad, I've handled oranges, but fuckin' up our cars, that's a little extreme. That's really illegal and can lead to more serious shit. I can't prove it but based on the recent incidents and also adding to the fact that we are soccer rivals with this family, I came to the conclusion that this kid is responsible. Now, obviously, I've talked to the mom before and nothing changes so I really don't think talking to her would help. The police will take the report and nothing more so all I have is documenting each incident and talking to the neighborhood about watching out for our property.

We live in an awesome neighborhood. I love everyone on this street except for 2 or 3 houses. My kids are happy here, our family is close and my next door neighbors on the right are fantastic. Every where you go, there is a few total assholes that are just miserable and we happen to live next door to and 2 doors down from the 2 asshole families of our little space. I wouldn't think of moving or even saying that this is a bad place to live. I just am amazed at the way some people raise their kids. I'm no parent of the year but my kids just don't treat other people badly. They treat us bad but not other kids or adults. Not much has changed since I was a kid as far a bullies go, there was and always will be bad seeds, I just wish we didn't run into them as often as we do. Makes me even more proud of our two kids and reminds us on a regular basis that as far as parenting goes, we're doing OK.

Now, let's talk about Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin... no, just like Trump... let's not.

Good luck to the GOP presidential candidates... now that's a bunch of bullies I wish my son could punch in the face...twice.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama Bin Laden is DEAD!!!

Today is a wonderful day for America, for our President and for the "war on terror". This is fan-freakin'-tastic. I know that we joke about Dick Chaney being dead and stuff like that but this guy, this "axis of evil do-er" really needed to be killed. I'm so very happy that Obama is in office at this moment when this son of a bitch has been taken down. I knew he would do it. I'm curious to see what spin will be put on this to try and make Obama look bad. I'll have to wait and see. Osama Bin Laden has been captured and killed and his body is now in the possession of the U.S. I will try to post more later in the week as I learn more.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

T.V. and earthquake shit

Here I am again... thought I fell off the face of the earth well... think again, I'm back. I'm watching this show on Link tv right now and it's fucking great. Totally talking about the investigation of the 911 attacks. Hate to bring up old shit but Jeez that Bush administration fucked us up. I'm pretty sure I lost some friends over that asshole. I'm passionate when it comes to Americans getting pissed on by their own President. Call me crazy but I'm not just gonna sit back and pretend I don't know what the fuck is going on... anyway, it's interesting. That is all.

Hooked up my family with some sweet ass iphone's and after 6 days my kid already doubled his allowed data usage... a week after that, he used 4 times the amount I paid for. I don't know exactly what he's doing to use all that data but holy hellfire... I talked to him, told him what not to do and what he's allowed but it's sorta like talking to a puppy and asking them nicely not to piss all over your shoes in the corner. They look really cute and pretend like they understand but as soon as you step away... theres urine all over the wall and carpet... yes, I just compared my kid to a pissing puppy. If you knew him... you'd understand. He has really tiny sharp teeth too and also likes to go for walks... don't judge me.

I see our economy improving. That's a good thing. I'm constantly hearing "especially in this economy" it's irritating. We are going up people. Start thinking positively. Start giving Obama his props already. I pray for Japan. I don't worry about the radiation thats washing up on our shores but I do worry about the big earthquake we could have here. Get your water people. 99 cent store. It's not just for drinking, you need it for your toilets and such. Have a couple of backpacks with spare clothes, shoes, a shit load of granola bars and maybe some booze. Tweezers, blankets, socks, first aid shit, flash lights with batteries and a little portable radio. Have a plan. Your cell phone isn't gonna work like a normal day and your kids are gonna freak out. Have something to transport your cats and know where your leash is for your dog (see how I assume everyone has dogs and cats). Oh and jackets too. I get cold... I just realized how important a jacket might be if there is a big earthquake. That's my helpful tip for the week. Be prepared for a big earthquake. Your not going to die so don't be like "it's ok, I'm gonna die anyway"... wrong... you'll live and be cold so get a jacket.

Well, Debbie Downer is signing off... T.V. show update... tune in to the following at least once on my recommendation... if you hate em, fine but just one episode of the following: Showtime: Shameless, United States of Tara and Nurse Jackie (obviously Dexter... duh). Really stupid but funny category: FX: The League and It's always Sunny in Philadelphia. NBC: The Office and Parks and Recreation. Also on FX the last season of Rescue Me (I highly suggest you rent this show from Netflix if it's available because it is excellent). That's all I got for now. Is it obvious that I watch a lot of T.V.? Fuck it, I don't care. That's what dvrs are for. Please see my previous post about dvrs you will thoroughly enjoy it. I tivo'd it for you.

On a positive note my daughter's boyfriend broke up with her. Not a positive note for her but I am extremely relieved. Sorry honey, I'm just not old enough for you to be dating.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Vegas adventure... oh joy!

Well, fuck it. I lost a follower. Whatever, I'm not bitter. Guess what bitches? Spring soccer has begun. First practice is tomorrow. It's probably going to rain but I don't care, we are practicing!! My job is starting to really suck. My boss is kind of a dick and makes it hard for me to get shit done because he micro manages me to death. My kid is so stressed out he's pulling out his hair and my daughter is starting to like boys way more than I'm ready for. Tonight she's texting a 16 yr old and I'm having heart palpitations. I really didn't think I would be so freaked out about all this but holy shit... I'm not ok with her and boys AT ALL!!! I remember how I was and oh hell no... if she is even close to as bad as I used to be... shoot me now.

ok, i started that a while ago. I'm going to continue where I left off. Daughter... still dating a boy and although i'm horrified, I'm playing it cool so she continues to be honest with us about everything. I trust her... not him but it'll all be fine.

My soccer team is pretty good. We won our first game 4-0 but then got beat really bad in game 2. 0-4. I guess it was a wash... payback maybe.

I just returned from my 3 day Las Vegas convention and had a great time. The first night I started doing Yager shots and passed out before 7 pm. It was really bizarre. I was drinking beer, slowly hittin' the bar where the chick was very informative about good beers and every hour or so, we did a shot. Suddenly I'm winning at the black jack table (up about 50 bucks whatever... ) and then BAM!! I hit the floor and start asking them to take me home (I meant the hotel room... not home, that would take too long), I'm requesting a wheel chair so I wouldn't have to walk to the elevator. It was really embarrassing. Someone took video, nice!! The whole time I'm watching this ridiculous display of behavior on this video footage I'm thinking "wow, I looked really good in that outfit, my arms look so nice in that shirt"... never mind the fact that I'm slurring my words and looking like a jerk off on the floor of the casino... that's how it goes with Yagermeister... one minute your happy, the next your passed out. It's like liquid valium... I musta forgot.

The next night however was much better. Danced and ended up winning $600.00 on a penny slot machine. That sorta made up for the previous night.

Any way... that's my little story. Hope to post again soon. Enjoy my misery. If it makes you feel better about your own life then my work here is done for now.

Monday, January 10, 2011

catching up and not blaming Palin for crosshairs and spew

Well, I'm so sorry. I'm busy, lazy, drunk, tired, distracted and all of the other excuses I can't think of right this minute.

Miss me? I miss you... yes, I do. My daughter is doing well, she's en pointe for ballet which means she wears those special shoes and is learning to dance on her toes just like a real deal ballerina. That kid has talent... I'm not just braggin', she's got some real skill. Her teachers always tell Amy how good she is. She's helping to teach the little kids and is also learning guitar and doing well.

My son is also doing well, he's changed schools and is going to a smaller, magnet school with great teachers and a better music/art program. He needed to get away from the school he was in because there were too many kids and he was totally getting pushed aside. He was getting horrible grades and having a hard time. This is better for him. He started basketball and scored 3 times for his team (they lost by 1 point and in overtime even, the kid that scored the winning shot for the other team did it just as the buzzer went off and was on my soccer team last season... needless to say, my child and him never really got along...go figure).

This season in basketball, I AM NOT COACHING!!! Yeah for me! I was so lucky to see the "evil one" from my last basketball team and though I tried to avoid her... tonight she spotted me, said hi to my kid, gave him a hug (shiver and gag... shiver again... yuck), then said "Hi Angie" all smiley and fake and I returned the hello and turned my head to vomit all over my shoes. If you've ever read this blog, you'll know why I hate that crazy bitch... if you haven't... too much to get into. I'm glad I'm not coaching but it's sad that the reason is because of one really pushy bitch. I might not know basketball but I know coaching and I probably would have signed up but... maybe it's better for my boy that I didn't. His coach is wonderful and giving him a lot of praise, teaching him a lot. Should be good for him. I'm glad.

Now the real reason I am motivated to blog tonight... the "Arizona Massacre". This is a horrible, tragic episode in our history. I just get sick when these things happen. Such unnecessary killing of innocent people. I can only think of how this crazy fucking kid got this big plan to shoot this lady... what was his motivation? I read somewhere (how fox news of me..."somewhere", "they say"..."people say"... etc... you get the idea) that he asked her a question at a "rally" in 2007 and she either answered with something he disagreed with or didn't answer at all. Not sure if that's true or if he just targeted anyone in politics. I'm not good at research tonight. I might as well just say: I read it on the Internet. My point here is that no-one can really, truly know why this kid did this. Obviously he's not totally sane. Obviously he's not currently medicated properly as he needs to be, he's unstable, maybe schizophrenic, maybe just overly aggressive, maybe just pissed off. I worry, I know people (I'm related to people), that are a little unstable and paranoid. It worries me to think that the people close to me could go off at any given moment and hurt someone or themselves. I think we all know someone like that. I think that Sarah Palin probably might know someone like that or Bill O'reilly or Glenn Beck... do you think they realize that?

When Bill O'reilly tells his viewers/listeners that Dr. Tiller is a "baby killer" and "we" should do something about him is he just practicing free speech or is he inciting violence? Does he not realize that there are some people in our great country that might be paranoid or not properly medicated? Does he care? When Glenn Beck says that Obama is a racist and has Nazi rhetoric all over his show is that pushing the limits and evoking hate or is that just his right as a television personality. It's like the sports figures caught doing drugs or fighting dogs or cheating on their wives... is this behavior ok because it's their life? I suppose if it's private, that's different but if in the middle of the Olympics Michael Phelps took a bong toke, wouldn't we be upset because it was on t.v.? I kinda think it's the same deal with these talking heads... they need to be responsible for their actions just in case a lunatic might need a bit of reassurance that someone else might appreciate his or her literal interpretation of "don't retreat, reload" or a whole bunch of cross hairs on a map and a little prodding of "taking out" certain districts.

I don't think that this is Sarah Palin's fault or O'reilly or Beck's... I don't think it's anyone's "fault" but the shooters, however, I do think that these people that continue to antagonize and spew anger need to acknowledge that they are sending a very dangerous message. I would hate to see what might happen if the tables were turned and we all put cross hairs on Sarah Palin's house... oh wait... "we" are the stable ones and wouldn't do anything dangerous... just blog about it.