Monday, January 10, 2011

catching up and not blaming Palin for crosshairs and spew

Well, I'm so sorry. I'm busy, lazy, drunk, tired, distracted and all of the other excuses I can't think of right this minute.

Miss me? I miss you... yes, I do. My daughter is doing well, she's en pointe for ballet which means she wears those special shoes and is learning to dance on her toes just like a real deal ballerina. That kid has talent... I'm not just braggin', she's got some real skill. Her teachers always tell Amy how good she is. She's helping to teach the little kids and is also learning guitar and doing well.

My son is also doing well, he's changed schools and is going to a smaller, magnet school with great teachers and a better music/art program. He needed to get away from the school he was in because there were too many kids and he was totally getting pushed aside. He was getting horrible grades and having a hard time. This is better for him. He started basketball and scored 3 times for his team (they lost by 1 point and in overtime even, the kid that scored the winning shot for the other team did it just as the buzzer went off and was on my soccer team last season... needless to say, my child and him never really got along...go figure).

This season in basketball, I AM NOT COACHING!!! Yeah for me! I was so lucky to see the "evil one" from my last basketball team and though I tried to avoid her... tonight she spotted me, said hi to my kid, gave him a hug (shiver and gag... shiver again... yuck), then said "Hi Angie" all smiley and fake and I returned the hello and turned my head to vomit all over my shoes. If you've ever read this blog, you'll know why I hate that crazy bitch... if you haven't... too much to get into. I'm glad I'm not coaching but it's sad that the reason is because of one really pushy bitch. I might not know basketball but I know coaching and I probably would have signed up but... maybe it's better for my boy that I didn't. His coach is wonderful and giving him a lot of praise, teaching him a lot. Should be good for him. I'm glad.

Now the real reason I am motivated to blog tonight... the "Arizona Massacre". This is a horrible, tragic episode in our history. I just get sick when these things happen. Such unnecessary killing of innocent people. I can only think of how this crazy fucking kid got this big plan to shoot this lady... what was his motivation? I read somewhere (how fox news of me..."somewhere", "they say"..."people say"... etc... you get the idea) that he asked her a question at a "rally" in 2007 and she either answered with something he disagreed with or didn't answer at all. Not sure if that's true or if he just targeted anyone in politics. I'm not good at research tonight. I might as well just say: I read it on the Internet. My point here is that no-one can really, truly know why this kid did this. Obviously he's not totally sane. Obviously he's not currently medicated properly as he needs to be, he's unstable, maybe schizophrenic, maybe just overly aggressive, maybe just pissed off. I worry, I know people (I'm related to people), that are a little unstable and paranoid. It worries me to think that the people close to me could go off at any given moment and hurt someone or themselves. I think we all know someone like that. I think that Sarah Palin probably might know someone like that or Bill O'reilly or Glenn Beck... do you think they realize that?

When Bill O'reilly tells his viewers/listeners that Dr. Tiller is a "baby killer" and "we" should do something about him is he just practicing free speech or is he inciting violence? Does he not realize that there are some people in our great country that might be paranoid or not properly medicated? Does he care? When Glenn Beck says that Obama is a racist and has Nazi rhetoric all over his show is that pushing the limits and evoking hate or is that just his right as a television personality. It's like the sports figures caught doing drugs or fighting dogs or cheating on their wives... is this behavior ok because it's their life? I suppose if it's private, that's different but if in the middle of the Olympics Michael Phelps took a bong toke, wouldn't we be upset because it was on t.v.? I kinda think it's the same deal with these talking heads... they need to be responsible for their actions just in case a lunatic might need a bit of reassurance that someone else might appreciate his or her literal interpretation of "don't retreat, reload" or a whole bunch of cross hairs on a map and a little prodding of "taking out" certain districts.

I don't think that this is Sarah Palin's fault or O'reilly or Beck's... I don't think it's anyone's "fault" but the shooters, however, I do think that these people that continue to antagonize and spew anger need to acknowledge that they are sending a very dangerous message. I would hate to see what might happen if the tables were turned and we all put cross hairs on Sarah Palin's house... oh wait... "we" are the stable ones and wouldn't do anything dangerous... just blog about it.


Anonymous said...

where have u been!!?? your blog is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo outdated.... did u get eaten by zombies???

Anonymous said...
