Tuesday, March 29, 2011

T.V. and earthquake shit

Here I am again... thought I fell off the face of the earth well... think again, I'm back. I'm watching this show on Link tv right now and it's fucking great. Totally talking about the investigation of the 911 attacks. Hate to bring up old shit but Jeez that Bush administration fucked us up. I'm pretty sure I lost some friends over that asshole. I'm passionate when it comes to Americans getting pissed on by their own President. Call me crazy but I'm not just gonna sit back and pretend I don't know what the fuck is going on... anyway, it's interesting. That is all.

Hooked up my family with some sweet ass iphone's and after 6 days my kid already doubled his allowed data usage... a week after that, he used 4 times the amount I paid for. I don't know exactly what he's doing to use all that data but holy hellfire... I talked to him, told him what not to do and what he's allowed but it's sorta like talking to a puppy and asking them nicely not to piss all over your shoes in the corner. They look really cute and pretend like they understand but as soon as you step away... theres urine all over the wall and carpet... yes, I just compared my kid to a pissing puppy. If you knew him... you'd understand. He has really tiny sharp teeth too and also likes to go for walks... don't judge me.

I see our economy improving. That's a good thing. I'm constantly hearing "especially in this economy" it's irritating. We are going up people. Start thinking positively. Start giving Obama his props already. I pray for Japan. I don't worry about the radiation thats washing up on our shores but I do worry about the big earthquake we could have here. Get your water people. 99 cent store. It's not just for drinking, you need it for your toilets and such. Have a couple of backpacks with spare clothes, shoes, a shit load of granola bars and maybe some booze. Tweezers, blankets, socks, first aid shit, flash lights with batteries and a little portable radio. Have a plan. Your cell phone isn't gonna work like a normal day and your kids are gonna freak out. Have something to transport your cats and know where your leash is for your dog (see how I assume everyone has dogs and cats). Oh and jackets too. I get cold... I just realized how important a jacket might be if there is a big earthquake. That's my helpful tip for the week. Be prepared for a big earthquake. Your not going to die so don't be like "it's ok, I'm gonna die anyway"... wrong... you'll live and be cold so get a jacket.

Well, Debbie Downer is signing off... T.V. show update... tune in to the following at least once on my recommendation... if you hate em, fine but just one episode of the following: Showtime: Shameless, United States of Tara and Nurse Jackie (obviously Dexter... duh). Really stupid but funny category: FX: The League and It's always Sunny in Philadelphia. NBC: The Office and Parks and Recreation. Also on FX the last season of Rescue Me (I highly suggest you rent this show from Netflix if it's available because it is excellent). That's all I got for now. Is it obvious that I watch a lot of T.V.? Fuck it, I don't care. That's what dvrs are for. Please see my previous post about dvrs you will thoroughly enjoy it. I tivo'd it for you.

On a positive note my daughter's boyfriend broke up with her. Not a positive note for her but I am extremely relieved. Sorry honey, I'm just not old enough for you to be dating.

1 comment:

mommapolitico said...

Congrats on the break-up...I hear ya, big-time!

Great blog - will be back! Hope to see ya on the twitter machine, and swing by my blog, mommapolitico.com , when you have a chance - I think we'd see eye-to-eye!