Friday, June 10, 2011

Wiener, Oprah & the neighborhood bully...

Hello again, Hello... just called to say Hello... OK sorry, little Lionel Ritchie goin' on just now. Let's talk Wieners for a second. No, were not talking about my cute little dogs, we're talking about Congressman Anthony Wiener, the Democrat from New York that sent photos of his wiener over the Internet. Whatever, who gives a dick? He got stupid and took a picture of his boner and sent it over twitter as a tweet instead of a direct message. His biggest mistake there is that he's married and shouldn't be sending anything to anyone except his wife. He tried to deny it, finally admitted it and won't resign. He shouldn't resign. He didn't break any laws. He looks like a dumb ass and did a really weird, kinda pervy thing but he's not a monster. He is one of my favorite to watch and seems to be really passionate about his job so, let it be. He will totally get re-elected and the people he's representing in New York really seem to like him so forget about it... let it fizzle out and get flaccid already... enough about wieners... I'm over it. (have been for a while but that's another post).

Alright, let's talk Trump... oh fuck it, let's not.

How about Oprah going off the air? I hate to say this but I love that bitch. She is really a big deal. She made a difference in a lot of peoples lives and the haters should really just take a look at all the stuff she's brought into the light on her show. I remember about 20 or so years ago a family friend said she wasn't going to last, he said she was ridiculous and I'm sure he mentioned something about her being a black woman... (yes, some of my east coast relatives might be considered a bit racist). Guess she proved him wrong eh?

So onto another neighborhood soap opera episode in a nutshell: kid 2 doors down is a total asshole, he has been a dick to my son since as long as I can remember. My kid's grandparents live 2 doors up from us and even when our kids were little and came to visit, this kid fought with my son. I'm not going to detail each and every thing that makes this kid a jerk but lets just say he has "short-man's complex" and is pretty much the neighborhood bully and gets kids to hang out with him by having the latest and the greatest of whatever is popular. I could go on and on but for lack of energy, i won't. So after several confrontations with his mom about the shit he's done to my kid, we haven't had issues since about November. My kid wants to be friends with everyone so he is always trying to pretend that either nothing happened or it wasn't any one's fault. It's a nice trait to try to get along with everyone but it backfires sometimes and he really takes a while to learn. He's finally learned with this one. The straw that broke the camels back was when the bully kid threw pine-cones and hit my kid in the head. He came home and said, "OK, I've had enough, tell his mom". That's all it took. Never mind that this kid threw rocks at his face, called him a "faggot", told him that his mom was fat and that his house is the gayest, ugliest house on the street, kicked him in the back and chased him with a stick that had dog shit on it... oh he also said everyone could play Halo at his house except "gay Lukas" in front of a bunch of kids... OK, so kids are mean... totally, but the straw was a pine-cone??? That shit musta hurt like hell... there is more that this kid has done, I just can't remember all the bullshit. So, I march my weird-gay ass over to his house, tell his mom that her kid is an asshole (nicer language of course) and that he needs to stay away from my son before I get crazy on their mother-f'n asses. (I am not the parent that shouts and screams, if anything, I blame my own kid before running around blaming everyone else...ask Amy, it pisses her off that I don't get more angry). So... this last weekend the little prick and his friend are walking down the street and kick my son's back tire of his bike causing him to fall. My son got up, walked over to the kid and punched him in the face...twice. My son has been taught not to fight, turn the other cheek etc... this time, I'm glad he fought back. The boy (according to my son) fell to the ground and then walked away. I don't know if words were exchanged or if the kid cried or what, all I know is my son stood up for himself and made that kid think twice before picking on him's the problem: He has decided to retaliate through really wussy type strategies. He has vandalized our cars. Problem 2: I have no proof. Oranges are thrown on annually at our house. The back yard occasionally gets a few limes and oranges thrown from the house on the other side of our next door neighbors house (evil dwells 2 doors down). This happened last summer and guess what? Day of my kid punching other kid, it happened again. I placed the smashed fruit in their driveway and then later notice that Amy's car was scratched on all four sides, across the trunk and a big X across the hood. Not so deep that it won't buff off and not so deep that it couldn't be mistaken for a bike crash or a parking lot scuff but 2 days later... I notice that my car was really scratched very obviously on the rear window just over my PLAYSOCCER sticker. Like 5o up and down deep scratches on the glass. I only noticed it when I opened the back to put something in, my truck is dirty and a little beat up so I didn't notice until later. This is bad, I've handled oranges, but fuckin' up our cars, that's a little extreme. That's really illegal and can lead to more serious shit. I can't prove it but based on the recent incidents and also adding to the fact that we are soccer rivals with this family, I came to the conclusion that this kid is responsible. Now, obviously, I've talked to the mom before and nothing changes so I really don't think talking to her would help. The police will take the report and nothing more so all I have is documenting each incident and talking to the neighborhood about watching out for our property.

We live in an awesome neighborhood. I love everyone on this street except for 2 or 3 houses. My kids are happy here, our family is close and my next door neighbors on the right are fantastic. Every where you go, there is a few total assholes that are just miserable and we happen to live next door to and 2 doors down from the 2 asshole families of our little space. I wouldn't think of moving or even saying that this is a bad place to live. I just am amazed at the way some people raise their kids. I'm no parent of the year but my kids just don't treat other people badly. They treat us bad but not other kids or adults. Not much has changed since I was a kid as far a bullies go, there was and always will be bad seeds, I just wish we didn't run into them as often as we do. Makes me even more proud of our two kids and reminds us on a regular basis that as far as parenting goes, we're doing OK.

Now, let's talk about Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin... no, just like Trump... let's not.

Good luck to the GOP presidential candidates... now that's a bunch of bullies I wish my son could punch in the face...twice.

1 comment:

Alicia Billings said...

Hahaha- I feel the same about those RWNJs lately.

Also feel the same about the scandal. He's great at his job. But if he doesn't take care of his personal problems they'll bite him in the ass again. I'm all for him getting therapy and staying off the twitter, etc.

I have a similar problem with one of my daughters. One of her best friends is kind of controlling and will take out her anger on my child on occasion. Nothing physical, but mental is still f'd up. If it happens again she's ready to call it quits...

I'm glad your son is done with that miserable jerk! Dang, that kid can hold a grudge. Maybe he'll find someone else to bully and forget about you all.