Sunday, June 13, 2010

Gay McDonald's ad in France:

Here's the ad. I don't know whether to laugh or cry about this McDonald's ad in France. I'm so proud of McDonald's for doing this. I know it could never fly in America just yet. We still have a ways to go I think. I'm not about shoving my gayness in peoples faces and Big Macs have nothing to do with being a homo but everybody eats McDonald's and I guess that's what the message is, "come as you are"... isn't that a Nervana lyric? It's funny too. I've worked for this company for over 23 years and I've had sooo many homo bosses in that time, it's ridiculous. I mean a lot of gay people are employees of the corp. and franchises. We could have our own gay pride festival. Anyway, I am happy to see this and I get emotional about anything involving McD's and this is a very cool thing I think. But then, I get teary eyed at just about everything anyway so why should this be any different right? Well, it's here, it's queer, get used to it. Go France... I won't start calling them "freedom fries" any time soon.

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