Alright it's on! I am innocently on the computer when the news breaks about the crazy mo fo that went to the Holocaust Museum and shot his rifle randomly killing a security guard. It's a very bad thing. Horrible. Another angry person who can't vent his frustration in a safer way than violence and decides to make a bold statement. Dr. Tiller's murder was 11 days ago and that too, another angry, crazy person who probably feels that there is no other choice than killing. These people are dangerous and unrecognizable sometimes. The key word here is sometimes. This guy though, he already had some trouble with the law in regard to racism and extremist behavior. I hate the word extremist, it's overused at times. My point is that this guy has a friggin' book called "Kill the Best Gentiles". Could that have been a red flag? I worry about things too much, I realize that but I have a couple things at stake here. My family, my freedom, my country. I'm sure that this guy (I don't really want to use his name, he doesn't deserve it) feels like I do. He thinks that his country is in danger and that his freedom is being challenged. The difference between my emotions and his are that I'm not wanting to kill Bill O'reilly or Glenn Beck. I just hate their stupid guts. I don't plan out ways to end their rhetoric through violence. They are never going to take any responsibility for these people that do this shit, they are never going to acknowledge that they spread hate when they talk so much bull about Obama or the democratic party. You don't see democrats picking up guns and driving over to white supremacist meetings or picking off abortion protesters that are holding signs that read "baby killer". But, Bill O'reilly can call Dr. Tiller, on national radio and T.V., "baby killer Tiller" and that's not a problem. When the guy is killed by a crazy ass "Factor Premium Member", or an Ann "crazy ass" Coulter book reader, no Fox "news" reporter is going to report that part of it.
This whole post really started with the comments Glenn Beck and his guest said on his show yesterday. They said, and I'm paraphrasing here, that Hitler was a left winger. I'm watching these little clips here and there and then, because sound bytes are sometimes edited and taken out of context, I decide to watch the entire thing and sure enough. Sure enough they, being Glenn Beck and his ignorant guest, spin this thing into being Obama's fault. I mean, come on! Report on it, talk about it, state the obvious, that it was a horrible thing but don't use it as an accelerate for an already raging fire of anger. On the left, it's not a whole lot better at times. But, I will tell you, left wing bloggers have to be searched out. Their blogs are not on a news channel or a radio show. I hear this stuff everywhere. I'm tired of it. Ignorance without accountability. We always say: "it's not true, it's b.s. so don't worry about it, people know better." My response is always the same, I wish that everyone in America could tell the difference between truth and hate speech but truthfully, they can't. It scares me. But I'm not about to go to Fox News and shoot the place up. I'll vent my anger here. I don't blame the right wing talking heads for this guys behavior yesterday, but I do want them to start telling the truth and to really pay attention to what they are saying to the public. Glenn Beck is just as bad as the kid at school that has taught my son all the bad words he uses. My son will learn through my parenting that those words are bad but Glenn Beck's mom is not going to teach him to stop saying them. He needs his mouth washed out with soap.
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