I’m thinking that the terrorists have won!! They have accomplished one of their big goals. They have Americans so afraid of them that people won’t even listen to reason about having the Guantanamo Bay prisoners brought to this country. And the terrorists just have to sit back and watch while American citizens like Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh and the Fox network do all the work for them. Planting all those seeds of fear. What happened to the American Spirit!?! What happened to our resolve to not to let the terrorists win!?! We already have terrorist prisoners in our jails. And they were tried right here in the United States justice system. So I’m guessing that these fear mongers don’t trust our courts. They must be worried about all those “activist judges”.
But what about our home grown terrorists?? This Von Brunn who killed the guard at the Holocaust Museum yesterday, is a terrorist! This Roeder, who killed Dr. Tiller is also a terrorist. Are we going to ship them out to Guantanamo Bay?? I think not! The process will happen here where the crimes were committed. With judges and jurors elected or appointed by Democrats and Republicans.
There are radical voices out there that just keep ginning up the hatred. They come from both sides, but I think the right has more established, more powerful voices. People who have a vested interest in keeping up the chatter. They stir up the hatred towards “illegal” aliens, aka Latinos, and towards gays, and towards Muslims, and the most insidious of all, our President. There’s radical groups out there that still believe our President is not a citizen! They still believe he is a Muslim! They hate that he’s a black man! They call him a socialist. They compare him to Hitler, Putin, Terrorists. Remember the right accusing the Democrats of being unpatriotic and un-american when they dared to question George W’s policies?? When the left questioned the need for the Patriot Act, you’d have thought the sky was falling. I guess it’s back to “tit for tat”. But I think the divide is getting even wider and even meaner. It’s bringing out the nuts! And the nuts are dangerous. It never ceases to amaze me how two groups of people can see the same event so differently! I guess it’s just human nature. And that’s the scary part. There are humans out there with a natural bent to prove their point at any cost. They actually believe they deserve a pat on the back for their deeds. And there are people out there who will give it to them. They listen to the voices. They need the voices. Let’s hope the voices quiet down. The voices need to quiet down.
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