It's been a rough week as far as people/animals dying. I can truly appreciate

death. I have had more
friggin' people die in my life than your average bear. Doesn't mean it's easy... however, it happens. Everyone knows that celebrities die in 3's so let's start with that. Ed McMahon 2 days ago. Then of course, Farrah
Fawcett this morning and maybe David
Carradine could have been the 1st of 3 but what? What? Michael Jackson!
Who'da thunk it? It's bizarre as was he.
Jacko as he was often called in British tabloids. He may have been a
friggin' kook but he was loved and cherished. His ridiculous controversy was a sick and sad thing and I hope that it's not totally true of his alleged pedophilia. I can't comment on that... maybe I choose not to. I would have never allowed my children near him just in case but still, parents did. Not
any one's fault but his. The thing is what we want to remember. The time in our lives that he was incredible. I bought Gotta be
somethin' and
PYT for my record player, I had a poster of him on my wall, I played Thriller out my bedroom window with my little speakers on
Halloween, and of course... I learned the moonwalk. To this day, I will request Michael Jackson at weddings so I can show off my moves. I loved him. He's being compared to Elvis and The Beatles. It's a good comparison. No matter what the boomers might say, he was "our" Elvis and "our" Beatles. But, yes, if he was guilty of hurting children, that is bad, really bad. I'm not even going to talk about his nose... I want to though... I'll respect his facial features. Like Pamela Anderson and Ashlee Simpson
shoulda just kept the snout that God handed out. The world is at a loss without Michael Jackson. It's dramatic but it's true. He was an Icon and a really, really talented entertainer. That is
indisputable. He will be missed.
Farrah... she was also iconic. I'm too young, (I love being able to say that), to have had that classic red bathing suit poster on my wall but... if I was a little older,

I would have. Well, maybe not, my mother would have shit a brick if I had a pretty chick on my wall... gay looking black dude she could handle, pretty girl... that might have been a bit too much. Anyway, I think my brother had that picture up as did all teen boys in the 70's right? She was really something. I did watch Charlie's Angels, saw The Burning Bed and followed her reality show (the one before the cancer diagnosis), she was a brave woman and thank God that she reconnected with Ryan
O'neal. He is a great guy, despite their drugs and weird relationship things... (I'm a big fan of The Main Event and What's up Doc so I love this man), we all have our shit to deal with, but they both came to each other and the love and support cannot be matched in Hollywood from what I have seen. God Bless Farrah and Ryan and hopefully they are not too pissed that Michael Jackson stole their thunder (that sounds mean but celebrities like their attention).
I haven't much to say about Ed McMahon and David
Carradine. Sorry, knowledge of their greatness but not too much of an expert. Know Ed from Bloopers and Johnny Carson... Alpo too. And someone will want to slap me but I didn't watch
Kung Fu. I did see Kill Bill, love you in that David. Sorry you died getting off... at least you had a smile. Too early for that?

Now, for the hardest of all for me to talk about...
Drakk. This is my black cat. Her full name is
Drakkar. She was named after the cologne because she is pure black like a bottle of
Drakkar. I got her in 1990 and that was the cologne I wore at the time. She was mean, like Dracula, piercing teeth and claws so
Drakk fit her perfectly. She didn't start out mean, she was mistreated by the stupid boys that used to come over to my house for random parties that I always had. I got her when I moved into my first apartment. I didn't know of these mean boys until much later. A few of them tried to tell me years later of the fun they had screwing with my cat and I shamed them to hell by explaining how mean she became. I'm not exaggerating when I say she was mean. She hated men and would give out this low
guttural growl whenever a man was around. Even homo's, plumber, landlord, mail man, ups guy, whoever. She was mean. Someone would be sitting on the couch and she would leap across the room to attack them. She's left scars, bite marks, scratches and fear in and on all of the guests of my life. She lived with me in the
Volkswagen van for 3 months and when we woke up together at 2 in the afternoon I would look at her, she would look at me, we would yawn, say what's up? (she'd meow, I'd actually talk), and go back to sleep. I talked to her in Spanish and she answered (she understood Spanish, didn't speak it real well). She turned 19 years old on June 10
th of 2009. She got skinny and mellow and didn't attack like we are used to. She could still jump up on things and ate a lot and drank too. In her later years, she would sit on my chest in the middle of the night and sleep so close to my face that my lungs are probably filled with cat hair (that's a nice image right..), she would meow in my face every morning at 5 am for food. Occasionally she would give out a meow that lasted like 2 minutes and we would stop and look at her. She'd shake it off and walk away from us like we were fools. I love her. I loved that she was mean and I used to laugh uncomfortably whenever she bit or scratched someone for no reason. That's not nice but even now, I laugh. It's the reaction people give, they say "oh she's beautiful, can I pet her?" I say "No, she's mean." They say "Cats love me." I say "Maybe they do, but she's not a normal cat." Then,
whammo!! Scratch, hiss, bite... "told ya...". So, she walked away Saturday morning as we left to go to
Las Vegas for 4 days and she's never returned. Everyone keeps telling me she went somewhere that was comfortable to die so I shouldn't worry, but it's hard. I didn't get to say goodbye. 19 years is a long time to love something... she wasn't mean to me, she was my baby. She was cute and funny and gave me a lot of joy. I had a beware of cat sign on my van and she left an impression on everyone she met, or a scar, whichever the case may be. All my friends hated her but I didn't hate her. I will miss you
Drakk and I hope wherever you are, your scratching and biting the a-holes who say "Cats love me"... see ya in the after life little puss.
Hey Angie!!!!
That made me cry. Damn you!!!!! I know how hard it is to lose an animal.. Sucks!!! OMG I can't believe how sad I am. Tears running down my face sad. You are the funny strong friend. I am again so sad for you sugar. But you will be with her again. And you do have a few friends at home to help you deal.
Love ya.....Cindy
SOO sorry to hear about Drakk! I think I still have photos of Drakk and her sister as kittens... makes me wonder about what became of (later named) "Squid".
I can totally relate; my Basil and Cyric died a year and a half ago while I was in Thailand. Both sick by the time I left and in good care, but passed when I was gone, none-the-less. Their ashes are on my shelf. I miss them terribly!
At least she lived a good long life, and her mark will remain on the many who knew her.
Miss you!
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