Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Not really sure exactly why I'm doing twitter but I am. It's very interesting to me to see what people are doing. I follow people that I don't know which is weird. I follow some celebrities and some news things. The White House and Gavin Newsom, NPR and Sandra Bernhardt? I don't really know how long this will hold my interest but as time goes on, I've checked it out a few times. We'll see. It's really more for people who know lots of other people and apparently, I do not know lots of people. I do know a few though and I'll still throw some "tweets" out now and again and if Oprah's doing it, it must be a good thing.
In other news... how 'bout that Obama son of a gun. He's done more in his 1st 100 days than Bushwacker did in 8 years. I'm happy and proud of him. Go to Huffington Post and watch the video of his speech at the Washington Correspondents Dinner. It is hilarious! He totally burns a bunch of people and it's very nice to see him relaxed and telling jokes. And Wanda Sykes... what? She's very funny and a homo so that's nice. Just the stem cell research alone is a beautiful thing but the going green concept and health care. We are going to have a country that is productive and makes a difference. The arrogance of the previous administration was appalling and I'm ready for a big change. Yeah Obama. The haters don't really know why they are hating. They are all bitter about the bail out and I loved the whole "tea bagging" protest. Tea bagging is a sexual term that you can google if you don't know what it means but it's definitely a Republican thing that describes perfectly what G.W. Bush did to the country when he was in office. They used that term all smiling and happy not knowing that they are talking about ball sacs. Raise taxes, pay for education... pay for the stupid war. I mean God forbid you raise taxes and pay for the things that we all get to enjoy practically for free. Who pays for my kid to go to 6th grade? Who pays for the road I drive on everyday to work, or the 911 operator that answers the phone... and the taxes that the rich pay now are like a third of what they paid before. In the 50's the tax rates for the wealthy were in the 90% range. Now they are somewhere in the 30's. The people that are complaining the most aren't paying as much in taxes as they would have been when Ronald Reagan was in office or even Bush Sr. And our taxes are mostly paying for things we need. Health care and education. The die-hard Republicans are just mad and don't really make very good arguments. At least I haven't heard any... oh socialism... that is a bad word and it's right up there with communism. That's a favorite from the folks who say that our country is being stolen and destroyed. Welcome to my feelings over the last 8 years. They just have to be all mad and grouchy. They can't appreciate what is good for us both now and in the long run. Or they can't think for themselves, only hearing what crazy Cheney and Limbaugh are saying. It's pointless to talk to someone who is a die hard though, they are not willing to hear, only blame. By the way, check out http://www.whitehouse.gov/EmailUpdates.com sign up and you'll get emailed any updates about policies and bills approved by congress. I got one today from the Pres telling me that a health care reform bill has been approved and things are moving forward. What? It's a new day when you can actually get an e-mail from the White House and The President to inform you about what our government is doing. They only hide the things like torture memos and WMD suspicions. Maybe we can actually sort of trust this President...? Naw, that would be crazy... oh yeah Obama twitters too.

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