Ok, let's start with the obvious... "Prick"... I quote my blog partner on that... Dick Cheney is really annoying. He is more vocal in the last 3 weeks than he seemed to be the entire time he was trying to run the country. Is he running for office? Is he still in the White House? Is he still the Vice President? Is he listening in on our phone conversations still?... He needs to shut the hell up. He looks like the penguin from Batman any way. Ok, that went a little far... sorry. Anyway, my point is that he still thinks torture is ok, he still wants us to have Guantanamo open and keeping people prisoners that had absolutely nothing to do with 911 (yes, some may have extremist views and need to be investigated but a lot of those people have normal lives and families waiting for them to get out) is completely unacceptable. He is one minute saying what the Bush administration did was not torture and the next minute saying that it was necessary and kept our country safe. Bull shit on all of it. Our country was attacked because the White House didn't pay attention when they needed too. Our country was attacked because some extremists hate us so badly that they don't care what happens and yes, we need to protect America but... correct me if I'm wrong... Al Qaeda is our enemy... not Iraq. Yes? Did Cock Cheney go after Al Qaeda as forcefully as they went after "weapons of mass destruction". Should we even be listening to him? Should the Republican party have even let him out of his crate? I'm kinda sorta thinkin' they don't want him talking so much. He's really not helping them get their voters back. It's great for Democrats. Cheney, Rush, Glenn Beck (oh, he's a piece of work huh?) they make the world go round. But you know, God forbid Obama try to save the country. He's totally crazy for trying to get some health care for our poor and elderly. Oh and don't forget how stupid he must be for trying to go green with our energy and global warming. I mean duh, global warming is a complete lie and just another democrat victim ploy to make the American people feel bad about how they live. Right? Oh and don't forget how this crazy President is raising all our taxes... that's the one that really gets me. Mid westerners who all make less than $50,000 a year and their out on the steps of their city hall with friggin' tea bags hanging off their hats and their kids holding up signs saying "Obama wants to take my piggy bank"... hello people, he's not taking your money away, he's raising the taxes on the owners of the factory you work at. The guys who pay you peanuts and live in mansions and drive Bentleys... you are getting a tax break! After 60 days in office, my paycheck was $50.00 more. Now, I don't know much, but I do know that I looked at my check and thought I got a raise. Hell no I didn't get a raise. The guys that run my business hate Obama, he raised their taxes (they drive company leased BMW's) they wouldn't give me a raise. I haven't got a cost of living raise ever! Not even when minimum wage is increased. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and the guys I work for do own the business and should be able to drive a company leased BMW but for argument sake...I don't make enough money to pay my rent. After rent, I have $400.00 left for: gas, electric, food, fuel for my car, phone, TV, clothing, etc, etc... you get the picture. I do, however, have health insurance but...(there's always a big butt) my deductible is $1,500.oo. That's a lot. Universal health care might be nice. I'm getting off the point... not unusual but this is just my thought process. And to the mid westerners who were not at the tea bag parties, I apologize and I mean no disrespect. But Cheney... that weasel rat needs to go back under the rock he crawled out from.
Now, Prop 8 is back in the news because on Tuesday, May 26 the Supreme Court will rule on whether it is unconstitutional or not to allow same sex marriage. I really hope the right decision is made. The people who are against it are the same people that believe gay people are going to hell. That sentence requires no further explanation. It says it all, right there. They think gay people are going to hell. They don't think George W. Bush or Dick Cheney are wrong for enforcing torture on human beings, they believe in capital punishment, they believe that it's ok to go to war on a country because a dumb shit and a creepy old man claim it's the right thing to do and dare I say it... they think Jesus Christ is coming back to save his followers from the fires of Hell. Ok, I'm being a little sarcastic because I know that some of the people who don't want gays to marry aren't crazy republican Christians. I know that some of them are just mean, hateful or just plain ignorant. And, if you are a heterosexual (or as Miss California calls it..."opposite marriage"...) and you are not familiar with any gay families, you may not really be able to say what is right or wrong because you don't know anyone on a personal level. That makes a difference I believe. It's different when you see the normal interaction of two Moms or two Dads. It's hard to imagine something as normal if you've never seen it. I have some friends who know me and my family and still don't believe that same sex marriage should be legal. Some friends right? I can't even begin to try and justify that one. I just really feel that the children in same sex families are just as loved and cared for as they are in "opposite marriages". Some "opposite marriages" or single parents could stand a same sex marriage to actually help their kids. It's a discussion for another entry. Dick Cheney tea bagging me got me all worked up and now I'm too tired to talk about my homo family. I'll have more to say after Tuesday... I'll be at the Ventura Gov. Center at 5:30 p.m. with my two kids either protesting or celebrating. They will be holding signs that read: "My moms are going to hell and dragging our piggy banks with them". See ya there!
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