Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tit for Tat

Our political discourse has become the childish game “tit for tat”. As I listen to the Republicans going on about Obama’s Supreme Court pick, Sonia Sotomayor, they say, “the Democrats gave us a lot of grief over W’s picks, so we’re gonna do the same to them”. Nanner nanner nanner! And I find myself being just as bad. I sit in front of my T.V. and yell at these nut cases like Rush Limbaugh and Prick Cheney as if they can hear me! I need to get over it, but not yet. Here’s what I think. President Obama made the right choice. He knows what he’s doing. He knows the Republicans will only undo themselves with all their criticism of this all to human Latina woman. She’s human!! That’s more than we can say about her critics! Karl Rove says she’s not too smart. Karl Rove!?! A man who’s best friend calls him “turd blossom”!?! And Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh are calling her a racist. They took one of her quotes completely out of context and think they can ruin her with it. But let them talk. The more they talk, the more people they alienate. We have a very smart President. It’s hard to get use to! I want him to fight back, but in his own way, he is. I don’t think he yells at the T.V. or calls people “turd blossom”. He just calmly goes about the work of governing the country. So how come I don’t feel “at peace” yet?? It’s time to fold these old legs into the Lotus position, put three fingers together and let myself float down stream. But first I think I need to punch one of those big blue meanies in the face!

1 comment:

angie said...

great work! you hit the nail on the head. we have to just watch them unfold into a pile of mess... us dem's, always waiting and watching.