This is my family. We are gay (not all of us, only my partner, myself and one of our dogs). We are a normal family that eats together, fight over silly things, share each others success, mourn each others losses, celebrate Christmas wearing matching pj's, go on little excursions to amusement parks and family dinners at Grandma's. My partner and I vote, we pay taxes, we work and mow our lawns. My daughter was a girl scout, my son plays soccer, and both of our children are happy, healthy and strong. My partner and I have done everything in our power to raise them as normal as possible. Occasionally their peers question our family ("Is that your dad? Is your mom gay? Is that your step-mom?") and they answer accordingly. We don't walk around announcing our gayness, we don't put signs on our grass at election time (i do have a bumper sticker or 2 on my car but nothing outrageous). We just live our lives and we certainly don't threaten our heterosexual friends marriages. To listen to some of the bullshit that I have heard over the last 2 years about gay marriage and the "sanctity" of marriage and how the children of our country are going to be influenced by gay marriage and our whole world is going to be a mess blah, blah, blah... it's pathetic. What's going on right now is absolutely astounding. The things that are being put out on some of the news channels are amazing me. I get the super Christians being against gay marriage and maybe being worried about having their ideas compromised, believe it or not, I understand that in a way. The Christians that think they won't get into heaven sometimes get a little crazy. What I don't understand are the people who aren't "super Christians", the people who have had 2 or 3 divorces, the people who are living in "sin" already or the guys who have fathered numerous children with different mothers and don't support any of them. Or really, anybody that doesn't live a perfect, moral and upstanding lifestyle. Is everybody staying a virgin until marriage? Are all the married heterosexual people faithful and committed? This is what I'm saying. Are these people to judge me and the way I raise my children? I don't have a church in my area that is accepting or I would take my kids there. I believe in God and heaven and all that other bullshit and I do think that it's important that we are allowed to love who we were meant to love and guess what... God created me as a flippin homosexual and I was born the way I am, I wouldn't choose to live a life of total disruption and confusion... I didn't go to a college with a dorm life so it's not a "college experimental stage", I'm supposed to have a wife and raise kids with her, that's just how it goes. Whether or not the state I live in recognizes my family as a "legal" family, my being decided what my family should be in like the 4th grade. I believe in equal rights and treating people fair. The country has become a whole bunch of crazy lately and some of us need to step up and show the haters what they are doing. The very idea that someone has proposed changing the 14th amendment so that little Mexican babies aren't citizens if their parents aren't is just so bizarre. It's so 1800's. I mean really? Really? Also, asking our President to prove he's an American citizen? What the fuck is that all about? Really? The immigration thing in Arizona. It's like someone turned on the racism switch and let the white trash fly. I'm in a liberal state and we got the vote to not allow gays to marry 2 years ago. I was shocked. Of all the states ours says no to gays? And now that it's been overturned, I'm joyful but at the same time still pissed off. We have more fighting to do... I don't expect all of America to accept gay marriage but at least California. We need to pay attention to what is going out there. We need to look at the dialog that suddenly is being passed around. It's the Hispanic community being attacked, it's the black community because of our President, it's the gay community and it's the children of immigrants (which is mind blowing because our entire country is made from the children of immigrants and not a lot of them were born just to create citizenship despite what some people say). The poor, don't forget about the poor and the uninsured. This is insane and to have the politicians fighting over constitutional amendments that challenge what our country was built from? That's just pathetic. We will always have the Glenn Becks and the Rush Limbaughs but we also will always have the Rachel Maddows and the Keith Olbermanns. We need to discuss, oppose and challenge the rhetoric and stand strong together. The complete wrong will eventually fall aside but if we don't speak up, they will convince a lot of people to agree with them and this country will become even more divided. I am a proud American and a gay women and I love my country and my family and I will not feel bad about that one bit.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
This is my big 'ol gay family!!!
This is my family. We are gay (not all of us, only my partner, myself and one of our dogs). We are a normal family that eats together, fight over silly things, share each others success, mourn each others losses, celebrate Christmas wearing matching pj's, go on little excursions to amusement parks and family dinners at Grandma's. My partner and I vote, we pay taxes, we work and mow our lawns. My daughter was a girl scout, my son plays soccer, and both of our children are happy, healthy and strong. My partner and I have done everything in our power to raise them as normal as possible. Occasionally their peers question our family ("Is that your dad? Is your mom gay? Is that your step-mom?") and they answer accordingly. We don't walk around announcing our gayness, we don't put signs on our grass at election time (i do have a bumper sticker or 2 on my car but nothing outrageous). We just live our lives and we certainly don't threaten our heterosexual friends marriages. To listen to some of the bullshit that I have heard over the last 2 years about gay marriage and the "sanctity" of marriage and how the children of our country are going to be influenced by gay marriage and our whole world is going to be a mess blah, blah, blah... it's pathetic. What's going on right now is absolutely astounding. The things that are being put out on some of the news channels are amazing me. I get the super Christians being against gay marriage and maybe being worried about having their ideas compromised, believe it or not, I understand that in a way. The Christians that think they won't get into heaven sometimes get a little crazy. What I don't understand are the people who aren't "super Christians", the people who have had 2 or 3 divorces, the people who are living in "sin" already or the guys who have fathered numerous children with different mothers and don't support any of them. Or really, anybody that doesn't live a perfect, moral and upstanding lifestyle. Is everybody staying a virgin until marriage? Are all the married heterosexual people faithful and committed? This is what I'm saying. Are these people to judge me and the way I raise my children? I don't have a church in my area that is accepting or I would take my kids there. I believe in God and heaven and all that other bullshit and I do think that it's important that we are allowed to love who we were meant to love and guess what... God created me as a flippin homosexual and I was born the way I am, I wouldn't choose to live a life of total disruption and confusion... I didn't go to a college with a dorm life so it's not a "college experimental stage", I'm supposed to have a wife and raise kids with her, that's just how it goes. Whether or not the state I live in recognizes my family as a "legal" family, my being decided what my family should be in like the 4th grade. I believe in equal rights and treating people fair. The country has become a whole bunch of crazy lately and some of us need to step up and show the haters what they are doing. The very idea that someone has proposed changing the 14th amendment so that little Mexican babies aren't citizens if their parents aren't is just so bizarre. It's so 1800's. I mean really? Really? Also, asking our President to prove he's an American citizen? What the fuck is that all about? Really? The immigration thing in Arizona. It's like someone turned on the racism switch and let the white trash fly. I'm in a liberal state and we got the vote to not allow gays to marry 2 years ago. I was shocked. Of all the states ours says no to gays? And now that it's been overturned, I'm joyful but at the same time still pissed off. We have more fighting to do... I don't expect all of America to accept gay marriage but at least California. We need to pay attention to what is going out there. We need to look at the dialog that suddenly is being passed around. It's the Hispanic community being attacked, it's the black community because of our President, it's the gay community and it's the children of immigrants (which is mind blowing because our entire country is made from the children of immigrants and not a lot of them were born just to create citizenship despite what some people say). The poor, don't forget about the poor and the uninsured. This is insane and to have the politicians fighting over constitutional amendments that challenge what our country was built from? That's just pathetic. We will always have the Glenn Becks and the Rush Limbaughs but we also will always have the Rachel Maddows and the Keith Olbermanns. We need to discuss, oppose and challenge the rhetoric and stand strong together. The complete wrong will eventually fall aside but if we don't speak up, they will convince a lot of people to agree with them and this country will become even more divided. I am a proud American and a gay women and I love my country and my family and I will not feel bad about that one bit.
gay family,
Prop 8,
The President
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