Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Jesus & Allah show up for the ribbon cutting ceremony
Holy crap! I'm so busted. Promised to post weekly, haven't posted since 8/4/10. Damn it, sorry people. What's new? Well, the Muslim scare has gone rampant! Here's the story (my version), Ground Zero in New York... 2 blocks or so away, an Islamic community center sponsored by a Muslim group (shareholder of Fox news by the way) is in the works to be built and it's like really tall as I understand. This community center is designed to bring Islam people and "western people" (reminds me of Bonanza or Urban Cowboy) together. Sort of bridge the gap. Now, I'm not all "go Muslims!!" just like I'm not all "go Christians, Catholics, Jews or Buddhists!" I could give a rat's ass to be honest. I don't have a problem with this thing being built near Ground Zero. I can say that I don't want any church, mosque or temple being built on Ground Zero but near it? Who f'n cares? Apparently a lot of people. Islamic extremist is the fear Americans have. I get that, I understand fear. I realize some people might be really worried that we are going to get attacked again like we did on September 11th. I hated that day too, it was awful and frightening and I would never want that again. Let's try to remember what the Islamic EXTREMISTS (not all Muslim people, very, very few Muslims in America) hate about America. It's our freedom right? That's my understanding of it. They hate our freedom, part of our freedom is... wait for it... FREEDOM OF RELIGION!! Hell-fucking-o! We are allowed to choose our own religious beliefs. What a concept. Islam... is that a religion? Muslim? Is that what it's called? I don't flipping know, I don't really give a shit, what laws are these people breaking? Oh, they aren't breaking any laws? Well then, let them build a God damn community center Mosque basketball court spa fast food restaurant swimming pool shopping mall food court Gap retail store baseball park Sea World Disney fucking Land church temple school homeless shelter tv production studio I don't fucking care what it is movie theater dance hall. I don't care and neither should all these fuckers trying to stop it. Pedophile priests are still in the Catholic churches, Christian extremists are still killing abortion doctors and blowing up abortion clinics, gang members are still doing drive by shootings, politicians are still corrupt and hate crimes are still happening all over our country. This building is the least of our concerns. How about teaching our children tolerance and knowledge of how the constitution really works. Whatever, I said a lot already, maybe I'm just mad because this is all political bullshit and next month it'll be something else. Last month it was immigration and "anchor babies". Obama's a Muslim, Kenyan... not American, socialist, Nazi fucking communist, fascist, not white... whatever. Haters. Try anything to get off the subject of our fucked up economy, the fact that Obama has pulled our combat troops out of Iraq and all the other bullshit that Bush has left behind. Don't misunderestimate me, (spell check just shit it's pants), I know that Obama has pissed me off a couple times this last few months (he's been sleeping on the couch... we'll just say that), and that there's a lot more crap I need to say but it's late, I'm getting slap happy and I'll save my other rants for another day. I just want to be clear... Christians are not doing a good job of being Christian (not all of them of course), the Christians that hang on to every word that Glenn Beck (totally different post coming soon about that fuck) and Sarah Palin say, they are in for a hell of a shock when Jesus comes back and brings Allah with him. They are gonna swallow their tooth when that shit comes down the pike. Buddha is gonna be there too so, get your shit together loons.
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OMG!!! i wait all this time for a new post and this is what i get??!! BlaH..... waKE me Up whEn its oVER.... i cant Wait tiL u Start coaCHing AgaiN so i Dont haVe to Read abOut that fasciST ObaMa....LoOsen uP a Bit...
I love what you write...as usual you speak my language! What the hell is wrong with people? Obama a facist? What the fuck was "W"? Keep blogging sister!
Re: "as usual you speak my language! What the hell is wrong with people? Obama a facist? What the fuck was "W"?"
caLm DowN ,,,no nEed fOr Such FouL languAge... Its caLLed FreE thiNkinG.. LooK It uP... Dont Get aLL piSsy just beCauSe i DoNt SeE thRouGh YouR roSE CoLored gLasSes...we'Re aLL entItLed to oUr Own oPiniOn...juSt BecaUSe iM noT oNe of The SheEp DoeSn't meAn iM wrOng oR KrAzy...DEAL WITH IT..... ObAmA iS A terRorist ... TAKE THAT!!!
oh you little wiener head! you know you love him like i do...
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