Saturday, November 15, 2008

Repeal Prop 8

Today the kids and I protested on the street. We stood amongst about 200 of our fellow citizens and held signs and shouted out slogans. It was beautiful. My daughter is all about the "no on 8" protest. She told me as we left "these people here are all about love". It was fantastic. I'm not a big gay rights person (you would not guess that from my previous posts) but this thing has my attention. This prop 8 thing has really opened my eyes to what equal rights are all about. I know that sounds stupid, of course I know what equal rights are, I just didn't think I needed any special rights for being gay. I mean, most people aren't gay but I've never had anyone say that I was different or wrong or not entitled to the same thing everyone else is... until now. Over the last few years I have come to realize that keeping my family together is more important to me than anything else. I stood out there with everyone and shouted our slogan: "what do we want?"... "EQUAL RIGHTS!"... "when do we want them?"... "NOW!!"... It was awesome. I started to cry a little, watching all of these Homos uniting on the street in front of both a Catholic Church and The Knights of Columbus hall. I got all caught up in the emotion and I went to hug my daughter and pull her close to me and she pulled away from me and said "Don't!". It was funny, she's the same, either way. Still a brat. Just like me. Gay or straight, legally married or not, our kids reach that age where hugging their parents in public is not O.K. Kids don't get emotional about this crap, they don't care what the law says. All they care about is that someone they love is there to wake them up with a hug and a smile and tuck them in with an "I love you to the stars and back"... They are not emotionally affected by watching a huge group of people standing up for their beliefs, they just want to know if they can get an ice cream on the way home. They have no clue about what's going on...sometimes, in some situations, I wish that was true... but we all know, they pay attention to everything, and that's not always so bad. Especially today, when they saw all of us together, peacefully, loud and proud telling our story. They will remember this forever, and so will I.

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