O.K. let's take a little look at this. When, in a hundred years,historians look back on this campaign that McCain/Palin are running they are going to be appalled at the "Drill Baby, Drill" slogan. It's kind of funny to me. I'm not sure why it's ok to drill anywhere instead of looking for alternative energy sources. I know that it will take a while and in the meantime, we do need to drill for oil but should it be such an exciting and whoo-hoo kind of thing? I mean, YES! Let's friggin drill in Alaska and shoot shit from helicopters and not teach our children about birth control but forbid them to get an abortion and continue to teach abstinence... all right, I'm getting off track, sorry. But when the crowd is chanting "Drill Baby Drill" and Palin's saying "God gifted us with oil rich land" but the whole rest of the country is "going green", I'm confused. I know that the Republicans and the super Christians don't believe in global warming but I'm pretty sure Al Gore and a whole shitload of scientists haven't been dedicating their lives to a fake fear tactic. Seriously, doesn't it make sense that we might have a little tiny bit of something to do with the polar caps melting and the increase in gnarly hurricanes and the massive increase in CO2 in the air in the last 50 years? Not to say that everything is global warming attacking us but come fucking on, to say that it has nothing to do with man is sad, pathetic and scary (not just for any average person but for a politician that is potentially one heart attack away from the Presidency...). That's just not ok with me that they have nothing else to use to draw votes than what a terrorist the other guy is or how the answer to our problems are drilling for oil. I mean if your going to run the country you have to know a couple of things one of which would be, your job description. Sarah Palin might be the all-american woman for some but for me she's just a little bit scary. Any one who wants to say that Obama doesn't have enough experience to run the country sure as shit better not say that Palin does. And, yes, she's wanting to be the Vice, however, she still needs to know the First Amendment Rights and she should probably know that when a third grader asks her what she's going to do if they win, she can't respond with..."I'm going to help change the laws in Washington"...she doesn't actually do that. She's only the tie-breaker if they need one. I don't know a lot but I do know that. I don't totally fault her for her lack of knowledge, I don't want to sound like Rush Limbaugh talking about Hilary Clinton but I do worry, I do fear for our safety when I hear her propaganda. I'm all for free speech but she's a little bit of a loon-bag. And to say that she's worried about First Amendment Rights because the mainstream media uses her words against her makes not one bit of sense. She might have said that on accident. She's in 5 different states on a daily basis giving friggen speeches, the media occasionally cover that type of stuff...I just don't know about this choice. I know she's a woman and she's from Alaska and that's reason enough I suppose. 3 more days, 3 more days and none of this will matter because she won't be giving anti-Obama speeches. Talk about un-patriotic, bashing the opposing side is a classic move when nothing else is working. And, don't even get me going on "Joe the Plumber", that is a new post I will save for tomorrow. I just think that now is the time to really look at who is potentially representing us and when Sarah Palin talks about how she and McCain are Mavericks and how they are going in to Washington and shake things up I can't help but think it's all a sick joke. I am embarresed for the Republicans right now. 4 years ago, I was embarrased for the Democrats. Their choice of slow talking, horse face ugly-ass Kerry was not a great idea (no offense Kerry). Now though, we've got a guy running a smart campaign, not using the usually ridiculous tactics that involve fact changing, bullshit lies. He just speaks the truth when he talks about McCain and the truth is scary enough. He seems to have stayed away from attacking Palin though, smart but probably really hard not to. I especially feel sorry for old man McCain. That poor bastard, he's just doin' whatever he can in these last few days. I appreciate this race, I can appreciate why some people are voting Republican (I wish they wouldn't), I even appreciate Sarah Palin. She's doing the best she can I suppose. Oh shit, I almost forgot, what about her husband being a registered secessionist and not wanting Alaska to be a part of America? What the hell?? Patriotism at it's absolute worst!! Good God, why hasn't the Democratic Party mentioned this?
Anyway, good luck Republicans. I hope you rot in hell... just kidding. 3 more days... 3 more days, say your prayers...pray that this time Americans make the right choice and we can work on paying off the loans from China and Iraq (who actually have more money than we do and we still are spending our money there), pray for the moose that Sarah Palin will be shooting when huntin' season rolls back around. And thank the good Lord for making Alaska oil rich so we can "Drill Baby Drill"...
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