Oh my goodness. Do I love Thanksgiving or what! Yes, yes I do. It was exactly 5 years ago today that my mother passed away. She died on Thanksgiving day right around dinner time. Alzheimers related illness. What excatly would that be? She forgot to live? Something like that. Someday, I will write a book about her and in it, I will explain all the little sorted details about her life and death. Should make for an interesting read and write, I suppose. In any event, my point is that I love Thanksgiving and the fact that my mother, my very best friend in the world, died on this day is great. It makes me appreciate it even more. My father dying on Christmas day also poses an interesting ice breaker. People love when I bring that up in conversation. What the fuck do you say to someone after that? I should probably not mention that anymore. It might make folks uncomfortable... I don't like to make people uncomfortable. Having your parents die is hard enough but having them die on major holidays is pretty crazy. My dad died a long time ago, I was four. He was sick and had a lot of heart attacks (7 is a lot...he was only 40), so he had heart disease and wasn't going to live to see me grow up. It sounds so sad, but it's not. I'm glad that he passed away on Christmas. I'll never forget the day he died, and it makes me appreciate Christmas a little more. I used to be really bitter about it and act like a little cry baby but now that I have kids of my own, I can enjoy the day through their eyes and that is awesome. So, the parents dying on the two favorite holidays is a memorable thing that sets me apart from all my other orphan friends (I don't think I have any other orphan friends nor can I say I'm an orphan... I'm a little old for that) and I do believe that it has made me a better person. I have learned to find the good stuff beyond the "bad". I really think that my father dying when he did made my life better. I probably would still live in Ohio (since Ohio voted for Obama, I'm really happy with them right now) and would have gone to Catholic school and been all long hair and dresses... how horrible would that have been? His passing caused my mom to move my brother and I out to California and we've been here ever since. Had he lived, she wouldn't have packed up all our stuff and hitched a ride with a friend to "start over" (another chapter in the book about my mom...). I haven't quite figured out what benefits there are from my mom dying so early but, I'm sure in time, I will.
Well, after all that dramatic bullshit, let me say this: Thanksgiving was wonderful and Suzanne made a delicious dinner, once again. It's great having a mother in law who cooks really well and is truly a genuinely nice person (shout out to Suzanne, thanks for dinner...) I wish I was a stoner again on Thanksgiving because then I could eat and eat and eat.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
the kids become bloggers
O.K. The kids have started their own blog (I cannot allow small children to pester me about writing on my blog... I just can't have it). If you go to my profile, their blog is listed there. I don't know what the protocol is about having kids do blogs but, whatever. Should be interesting. They are cute and pretty funny and it's neat to see what they have to say at times. They've been given the rules about saying mean things or revealing too much information so I think it is safe enough. Anyway, enjoy their words (they know how to use spell check but grammar is another story... ) I know I do.
Florida and gay adoption
I have just learned that a judge in Florida has ruled that not allowing gays to adopt is unconstitutional. Uh... ya think? Hello!! Why was that even an issue. I tell you, I am so irritated by these people that are not allowing children to be raised by gay adults in a loving nurturing homes I could just spit. I won't though (how butch of me to spit). It just makes no sense to not find homes for children without anyone else to love them. How ridiculous. Let's just allow them to stay in orphanages or random foster homes because potential parents are deemed unfit or "deviant". Unfit, not because they are abusive or selfish but "unfit" because some religious group or conservative agenda doesn't want to acknowledge people that have a different sexual preference than they do. Lets focus on pedophiles or child abusers as unfit and dangerous rather than gay folks. I mean get your fucking priorities right!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Nutcracker 2008

Well, she did it!! My little princess has completed her first Nutcracker performance. She was fantastic. The whole production was beautiful. I thoroughly enjoyed it and was proud that she was a part of that wonderful ballet. She was really cute and her part this time was small but still, she was excellent. I watched her give the flowers to one of the teachers at the end and I knew that was a thrill for her and exciting for us too. She really is very good at this ballet thing and I love that she does it. She has a lot of confidence and her self esteem has been boosted. I have watched this little girl twirl around and dance everywhere, no matter how inconvenient it may be (the grocery store, in line at fast food restaurants, in the middle of the street, etc...) for years. We now have an investment in this kid and I know that she will continue enjoying ballet and there will be many more Nutcracker performances to enjoy. Good job Lily!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
My son Lukas posts an entry
Hi my name is Lukas . I am nine. Today i beat my championship games. My team is number 1 in the whole division! I had a great time . We faced my friend's team. They are called the Blue Dragons. We were almost got beat by them. My team is called Green Hornets. Today was one of most exiting days of my life!I was defender that is when you guard the goal. Another game I played is called Gallaxy.We beat them 5 to 4. WE TOOK THE WHOLE THING!!!
2008 AYSO Region 39, U10, Division Champions!!!!!!!
Holy crap, I can't believe it. It was the most awesome season finale game I can imagine (not that I have ever played or coached in a season finale championship game but... if I had, this would be the most awesome I bet). This was beautiful. My boys, notice this blog is way more about me than my son or the little kids on my team... they are my boys, not their parents boys, oh no, my team. Anyway, they played fantastically, I was very impressed and pleased. I have to admit, 2 games ago, I knew they had this thing, it was in the bag, but I didn't want to jinx it. I actually visualized this game, and told anyone that would listen, to pray for us and cross their fingers. And dammit!! We did it! We are the champions. I'm going to have that as my ring tone for a while. I promised our division director I would sing that song to her and I did. It was glorious. She thinks I'm a retard but I so don't care. I realized with AYSO I don't care. All the people involved are so down to earth, they all want the same thing. They all want the kids to have fun. It's actually really cool. And I love these kids, I am so impressed by them. Kids are like little people. They are so funny and totally have personalities and then I get to know their parents and I see why they are the way they are and it's very interesting. In any event, we totally kicked ass today and deserve this title. Lukas and I have awesome trophies and we are truly awesome. I can't express much more emotion as I have had a lot to drink and I'm exhausted both emotionally and physically and I have completely lost my voice (although that does not affect typing). This was great. Now tomorrow I will have my daughters performance to brag about. Amy and I are proud mommas right about now and we have a lot of things to be at and go to. I will write more later when I am more awake.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Championship Tomorrow/ Nutcracker starts
Tomorrow are the two final games of our regular fall 2008 U10 soccer season. 1st is the semi-finals and then the finals. Whew... what a season it has been. I am excited for tomorrow. I really think this team can do it. We've got a shot at 2008 Champs! Wow!!
And, as if that's not cool enough, my daughter is performing in the Nutcracker with her ballet studio and professional dancers. This is a big weekend for our family. The kids are both doing really important things at the same time. Amy has been helping with the ballet and I have been coaching my son's team so we both are exhausted. My daughter has 3 hour rehearsals every night and today she performed for a bunch of kids bussed in from all kinds of schools and Amy had to help backstage. Plus Amy has to study for college and I work 40-50 hours a week. What the hell? We need a vacation. After tomorrow, I'm freed up a bit but Amy has to do this thing Sunday and my poor daughter is so sleepy... I wouldn't change it for the world. I love this stuff. We have wanted to get the kids involved with something constructive for so long but never could because of our full time work schedules. Now that we can, it's both exhausting and expensive but to see their little faces when they do well or when we cheer them on makes it all worth it. I guess this is the fun stuff people always talk about when it comes to their kids. I always thought the fun stuff was after they go to bed. That's fun too but this is pretty cool. I'm proud of my little ballerina, my soccer player and my college girlfriend. I'm proud of myself too because after they all fall asleep, I get to get drunk and pass out (I'm proud that I waited for them to fall asleep before I pass out...).
Wish us all luck tomorrow!
Go team! Go dancers! and Go Moms!
And, as if that's not cool enough, my daughter is performing in the Nutcracker with her ballet studio and professional dancers. This is a big weekend for our family. The kids are both doing really important things at the same time. Amy has been helping with the ballet and I have been coaching my son's team so we both are exhausted. My daughter has 3 hour rehearsals every night and today she performed for a bunch of kids bussed in from all kinds of schools and Amy had to help backstage. Plus Amy has to study for college and I work 40-50 hours a week. What the hell? We need a vacation. After tomorrow, I'm freed up a bit but Amy has to do this thing Sunday and my poor daughter is so sleepy... I wouldn't change it for the world. I love this stuff. We have wanted to get the kids involved with something constructive for so long but never could because of our full time work schedules. Now that we can, it's both exhausting and expensive but to see their little faces when they do well or when we cheer them on makes it all worth it. I guess this is the fun stuff people always talk about when it comes to their kids. I always thought the fun stuff was after they go to bed. That's fun too but this is pretty cool. I'm proud of my little ballerina, my soccer player and my college girlfriend. I'm proud of myself too because after they all fall asleep, I get to get drunk and pass out (I'm proud that I waited for them to fall asleep before I pass out...).
Wish us all luck tomorrow!
Go team! Go dancers! and Go Moms!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Repeal Prop 8
Today the kids and I protested on the street. We stood amongst about 200 of our fellow citizens and held signs and shouted out slogans. It was beautiful. My daughter is all about the "no on 8" protest. She told me as we left "these people here are all about love". It was fantastic. I'm not a big gay rights person (you would not guess that from my previous posts) but this thing has my attention. This prop 8 thing has really opened my eyes to what equal rights are all about. I know that sounds stupid, of course I know what equal rights are, I just didn't think I needed any special rights for being gay. I mean, most people aren't gay but I've never had anyone say that I was different or wrong or not entitled to the same thing everyone else is... until now. Over the last few years I have come to realize that keeping my family together is more important to me than anything else. I stood out there with everyone and shouted our slogan: "what do we want?"... "EQUAL RIGHTS!"... "when do we want them?"... "NOW!!"... It was awesome. I started to cry a little, watching all of these Homos uniting on the street in front of both a Catholic Church and The Knights of Columbus hall. I got all caught up in the emotion and I went to hug my daughter and pull her close to me and she pulled away from me and said "Don't!". It was funny, she's the same, either way. Still a brat. Just like me. Gay or straight, legally married or not, our kids reach that age where hugging their parents in public is not O.K. Kids don't get emotional about this crap, they don't care what the law says. All they care about is that someone they love is there to wake them up with a hug and a smile and tuck them in with an "I love you to the stars and back"... They are not emotionally affected by watching a huge group of people standing up for their beliefs, they just want to know if they can get an ice cream on the way home. They have no clue about what's going on...sometimes, in some situations, I wish that was true... but we all know, they pay attention to everything, and that's not always so bad. Especially today, when they saw all of us together, peacefully, loud and proud telling our story. They will remember this forever, and so will I.
WE DID IT!!! My soccer team won today's game 7-4 and we move on to the semi-finals. That right there is really cool but wait, it gets better. Today's games were the deciders of who goes on and who is out and one of the teams that played today were the Wizards and they are the number one team in the division (we were 12th out of 30 teams by our 8th game), and if they win and we win, we would have to play them in the semi-finals, (this team is the kind of team that is undefeated and really, really good... like 9-1 good... the most anyone has scored off of them is 2 goals... that kind of good). So... I knew that even if we made it to semi-finals, there was a good chance that the Wizards would beat us and we'd only get 3rd or 4th place BUT... guess what? They LOST today. They freakin' lost. We are not playing them in the semi-finals!!! We are playing another team, a good team no doubt, but not the Wizards! We've got a shot at winning the whole division. Can you believe it? I am so excited...can you tell? I mean holy crap, the whole thing could be ours. We can do this, I know my boys and how they play and I'm telling you, WE CAN DO THIS!!! Practice on Monday is going to be long and tiring but we are gonna take this baby all the way to the bank (I realize that means nothing anymore but...).
SO EXCITING!!! Wish us luck. I'll keep the updates coming.
WE DID IT!!! My soccer team won today's game 7-4 and we move on to the semi-finals. That right there is really cool but wait, it gets better. Today's games were the deciders of who goes on and who is out and one of the teams that played today were the Wizards and they are the number one team in the division (we were 12th out of 30 teams by our 8th game), and if they win and we win, we would have to play them in the semi-finals, (this team is the kind of team that is undefeated and really, really good... like 9-1 good... the most anyone has scored off of them is 2 goals... that kind of good). So... I knew that even if we made it to semi-finals, there was a good chance that the Wizards would beat us and we'd only get 3rd or 4th place BUT... guess what? They LOST today. They freakin' lost. We are not playing them in the semi-finals!!! We are playing another team, a good team no doubt, but not the Wizards! We've got a shot at winning the whole division. Can you believe it? I am so excited...can you tell? I mean holy crap, the whole thing could be ours. We can do this, I know my boys and how they play and I'm telling you, WE CAN DO THIS!!! Practice on Monday is going to be long and tiring but we are gonna take this baby all the way to the bank (I realize that means nothing anymore but...).
SO EXCITING!!! Wish us luck. I'll keep the updates coming.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Big game tomorrow
Well, say your prayers and cross your fingers people... we have a big game tomorrow. If we win, we go on to the semi finals where we 1st play the #1 team in the division then we play the winner of the other two teams playing that day. The 1st game we would be competing for 3rd place and the second game we would be competing for 1st. Can you imagine? 1st place out of 30 teams??? I can and I am!! YES WE CAN!! That's my attitude. Now, if we lose tomorrow then it's all over and the season is done... that will not happen. I will not allow it, I am having too much fun. Never mind what the kids are feeling, it's all about me. No, just kidding. I want these guys to go all the way. They've worked really hard and I know they can do it. It's going to be bitchin' tomorrow. It's going to be a fun and exciting game and successful! We will be triumphant!!
Say your prayers and cross your fingers. Semi-finals here we come!!!
Say your prayers and cross your fingers. Semi-finals here we come!!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Lighten up
All right, so I have been a little heavy here lately. A lot of stuff to spew about I guess. Well, until I tried to fix my leaky tub faucet, my day was great (I will not share my plumbing experience with you today, I'll save it for after it has been fixed... don't hold your breath). My soccer team has made it to the playoffs and today they played two games. They won them both which means we go on to next week and if that's a win then it's the semi-finals. Amazing team that I was blessed with this season. My son doesn't get along with them though because, although they play well, they are little assholes (if you can call a couple of 9 year olds assholes...). Most of them are good guys but 3 or 4 are mean. I cannot tolerate meanness. It puts me in a bad spot and my son too. I don't want to fight his battles for him but at the same time I can't allow them to tease him. I want to punch their little faces when they start picking on him and he sometimes starts it so that's hard too. In any event, they play really good so we keep winning. We are 8 wins, 2 ties and 2 losses for the season so far, that's really good for their age group. Today was one of those days where as a coach and a parent I was really proud. The second game had a little conflict over the score. The other team thought we had tied. They somehow lost track of the fact that we had four goals and they had three. How do you not know that we scored when I jump so high in the air and scream my lungs out so loud that the neighbors in the town next to us can hear me and feel the earth shake? They said that they believed us though and they just thought that we had tied. I was like... ok, review your video tape and let me know. They decided not to contest it though. They were actually really nice guys and later after the game the assistant coach told me that he thought I was a really good coach and that my team was awesome. That really made me feel good. I am a good coach. I love coaching these little assholes (ok, I really shouldn't have called them that, it's not their fault that their parents allow them to treat my kid like crap... they will learn when my boy grows up and beats the hell out of them what it feels like...). I love watching them get excited when they score or when they assist and give each other high fives. I love to see these guys use the moves that we've taught them at practice and watch them race for the ball or pass to each other when they see the chance. It's really changed my life. I sort of got suckered into coaching last season when we signed my son up. It took us a couple of years before I finally got him to sign up for soccer but when we did, it turned out there were not enough coaches. I got a phone call a couple of weeks before the season started and was told that if they couldn't find a coach they would have to refund our money. I gave all the excuses that I could come up with and then after an hour and a lot of thought, I called back and said what the hell, I can do this. Well, two seasons later, here I am. Now I'll coach his teams every year and live vicariously through my boy. The way the kids look up to me and thank me at the end of the season, and the parents who tell me what a great job I've done with their kids and how I am the best coach they've ever had etc. etc. (I don't know how much of that is really true but it sounds great to me and my already enormous ego...). I even coached both my son and my daughter's team last spring (luckily soccer was not really her thing and she decided on ballet). Coaching two teams was really hard. I kept calling the boys team the name of the girls team and I got all the parent's names confused. My old stoner brain cannot handle too many things. Anyway, the season is almost over and I can safely say, I'm kind of glad but really sad too. With the election over and soccer over, what the hell will I do now? I will try to keep this blog interesting and expressive (although this particular entry is probably not too exciting). I will try to save all my aggressive thoughts and opinions for this space and I will find new and fun things to share with all who care (I do realize that's not many...).
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Evil wins for now
The "Crazy Christians" have succeeded for the moment. We will fight this and we will prevail. The Constitution cannot be changed just because a movement of fear mongers have decided this is their cause. I felt so fueled by this proposition and my anger of seeing all of these bumper stickers and lawn signs really got hold of me. When I saw people attached to the signs, standing on street corners screaming and waving with their children, it really hit me hard. To know that a lot of my customers and neighbors and some of the people that I work with voted yes on this discriminatory, hateful and wrong thing just blows me away. I really have to question things. I served so many customers yesterday and I was so nice and positive and happy to each of them and what is so sad is that probably 1/4 of them, even more maybe, are totally against me and the life that I live with my family. Those people are disgusted by me. They think that I am sick and awful and deviant. People that I talk to every single day, people that my children invite to their birthday parties, people that have known me and my family for years. That is sick, awful and wrong. How can anyone who knows me and my family vote against the chance that me and my wife would have to raise our children without fear and without worry about our rights being questioned? It hurts my feelings. I can go to the birthday parties and the camping trips and pretend that it doesn't bother me, I can decide not to talk about religion and politics at these get-togethers and just pretend that it's all OK but is it? I mean is it OK to hang out with people who think that your lifestyle is unfit for the title that they and their husband or wives are allowed to use. Is it OK to allow your children to play with the children of these discriminatory and hate-filled people? Is it discrimination on my part to not hang out with these people or allow my children to play with theirs? I was thinking that the logical me says to just ignore their opinion and stay friends with them because we've had good times together and the emotional side of me says the same. Then I wonder which is the logical feeling and which is the emotional feeling? Logically I should not hang out with them? Emotionally I am invested in my beliefs that these people are wrong but I am emotionally attached to their friendship. What a dilemma! Why do I have friends like this? I don't really have a lot of gay friends and the gay folks that I am friends with don't have kids so it's not like we would do the same types of things with them that we do with the non-gay families. Not all of our straight family friends think that we are wrong but even one or two voting against our right to be married just seems crazy. I always used the term "it's against my religion" as kind of a joke but some people take it way too serious. I mean, not eating meat on Fridays is one thing but denying a person a fundamental constitutional right because somewhere in the Bible it says so is completely ridiculous. It also says that when your daughter is the right age, sell her off into slavery. And the Mormons... the frigging Mormons, they are polygamists for Pete's sake. I only want one wife, one family and one chance to preserve our relationship under the law so just in case something happens to my wife, my children legally stay with me. If, God forbid, anything happens to one of them, I can take care of them legally and allow the Dr's to take care of them, and when either my wife or I die, we are protected under the law. I want to be able to say my children and my wife and not have anyone question that title.
This will not pass. They will not win. They will try and they won't give up, but they will not win. God loves me and my wife and our family. God does not want the constitution changed and Arnold Schwarzenegger will veto this bill and the right to marry will be given to all consenting adult human beings whether it's in a church or not (this does not mean people will start marrying dogs or farmers marrying sheep...as so many ignorant people believe). We will be treated equally, there are too many of us to be held back.
This will not pass. They will not win. They will try and they won't give up, but they will not win. God loves me and my wife and our family. God does not want the constitution changed and Arnold Schwarzenegger will veto this bill and the right to marry will be given to all consenting adult human beings whether it's in a church or not (this does not mean people will start marrying dogs or farmers marrying sheep...as so many ignorant people believe). We will be treated equally, there are too many of us to be held back.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Proposition 8
I am still awaiting the result of California's proposition 8. I pray that it does not pass but it's close. When I find out the result, I will post a response. It will probably be tomorrow.
President Obama
Holy smokes!!! what a beautiful, wonderful day. Hallelujah... we are saved from the evils of the Republican party!!! I am so proud of my country and my fellow Americans. Landslide? I'm gonna say hell yes! I was about to cry but I did not. I am happy, so happy for this election result. We did it and the thing is, the most awesome thing about all of this, he's a mother lovin' black man. Do you know what that means for this country? It means we are starting to come around. Granted, there are still some hillbilly back country folk who don't quite get the whole civil rights thing and never will, but thank the Lord that most of the country has woken up a little. This guy is smart, he's articulate, he's Presidential and he's not related to a politician that pulled some strings. He actually started out like most of us, regular. He knows how to talk and doesn't mispronounce everyother word that comes out of his mouth. He wants to actually solve problems with common sense and outside opinions rather than just go to war or make profit off of others disadvantages. And those people that call him a Muslim or a terrorist... are they idiots? The Bush folks are closer to the Bin Laden family than most people realize and they are very tight with the Saudi's... that's another story. And nothing wrong with being Muslim anyway, anybody that is extreme enough to hate someone for their beliefs and display intimidation is a terrorist. Sound like any Palin we know... allright enough negativity.
We all need to celebrate. This man will bring our country back together, he will reunite us as Americans instead of the lefts and the rights. He has already given the country the boost it's needed and to listen to him speak, it just fills me with peace and comfort. Now, I still love Hilary Clinton, she still fills me with confidence when I think about her efforts toward this country but since she's not in the running, I can be proud of my vote today and proud of the country who put him in charge. Now, let's get something done America. Let's pass some shit and change the order of BS that's been ruling this land of ours for the last 8 years, let's get the hell out of the money pit they call "Operation Freedom", let's get rid of "No Child Left Behind" which sucks, let's get some health care goin' on here and good gosh, let us get out of this ridiculous economic crisis and finally, one thing I would love to see change, the oil companies profiting so much that it's disgusting. All the big companies. It's embarrassing to me that they get away with this. Whatever, we now have a chance and with the Senate and the House holding out Democratic, a lot of stuff will change!! A lot. This will be astonishing toward helping our country once again become the most powerful country in the world. I have high hopes and I am sure that President Barrack Obama will not let me down.
We all need to celebrate. This man will bring our country back together, he will reunite us as Americans instead of the lefts and the rights. He has already given the country the boost it's needed and to listen to him speak, it just fills me with peace and comfort. Now, I still love Hilary Clinton, she still fills me with confidence when I think about her efforts toward this country but since she's not in the running, I can be proud of my vote today and proud of the country who put him in charge. Now, let's get something done America. Let's pass some shit and change the order of BS that's been ruling this land of ours for the last 8 years, let's get the hell out of the money pit they call "Operation Freedom", let's get rid of "No Child Left Behind" which sucks, let's get some health care goin' on here and good gosh, let us get out of this ridiculous economic crisis and finally, one thing I would love to see change, the oil companies profiting so much that it's disgusting. All the big companies. It's embarrassing to me that they get away with this. Whatever, we now have a chance and with the Senate and the House holding out Democratic, a lot of stuff will change!! A lot. This will be astonishing toward helping our country once again become the most powerful country in the world. I have high hopes and I am sure that President Barrack Obama will not let me down.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
I realize that some of my entries are really long and sort of run on. sorry about that, that's just how I think.
Drill Baby Drill
O.K. let's take a little look at this. When, in a hundred years,historians look back on this campaign that McCain/Palin are running they are going to be appalled at the "Drill Baby, Drill" slogan. It's kind of funny to me. I'm not sure why it's ok to drill anywhere instead of looking for alternative energy sources. I know that it will take a while and in the meantime, we do need to drill for oil but should it be such an exciting and whoo-hoo kind of thing? I mean, YES! Let's friggin drill in Alaska and shoot shit from helicopters and not teach our children about birth control but forbid them to get an abortion and continue to teach abstinence... all right, I'm getting off track, sorry. But when the crowd is chanting "Drill Baby Drill" and Palin's saying "God gifted us with oil rich land" but the whole rest of the country is "going green", I'm confused. I know that the Republicans and the super Christians don't believe in global warming but I'm pretty sure Al Gore and a whole shitload of scientists haven't been dedicating their lives to a fake fear tactic. Seriously, doesn't it make sense that we might have a little tiny bit of something to do with the polar caps melting and the increase in gnarly hurricanes and the massive increase in CO2 in the air in the last 50 years? Not to say that everything is global warming attacking us but come fucking on, to say that it has nothing to do with man is sad, pathetic and scary (not just for any average person but for a politician that is potentially one heart attack away from the Presidency...). That's just not ok with me that they have nothing else to use to draw votes than what a terrorist the other guy is or how the answer to our problems are drilling for oil. I mean if your going to run the country you have to know a couple of things one of which would be, your job description. Sarah Palin might be the all-american woman for some but for me she's just a little bit scary. Any one who wants to say that Obama doesn't have enough experience to run the country sure as shit better not say that Palin does. And, yes, she's wanting to be the Vice, however, she still needs to know the First Amendment Rights and she should probably know that when a third grader asks her what she's going to do if they win, she can't respond with..."I'm going to help change the laws in Washington"...she doesn't actually do that. She's only the tie-breaker if they need one. I don't know a lot but I do know that. I don't totally fault her for her lack of knowledge, I don't want to sound like Rush Limbaugh talking about Hilary Clinton but I do worry, I do fear for our safety when I hear her propaganda. I'm all for free speech but she's a little bit of a loon-bag. And to say that she's worried about First Amendment Rights because the mainstream media uses her words against her makes not one bit of sense. She might have said that on accident. She's in 5 different states on a daily basis giving friggen speeches, the media occasionally cover that type of stuff...I just don't know about this choice. I know she's a woman and she's from Alaska and that's reason enough I suppose. 3 more days, 3 more days and none of this will matter because she won't be giving anti-Obama speeches. Talk about un-patriotic, bashing the opposing side is a classic move when nothing else is working. And, don't even get me going on "Joe the Plumber", that is a new post I will save for tomorrow. I just think that now is the time to really look at who is potentially representing us and when Sarah Palin talks about how she and McCain are Mavericks and how they are going in to Washington and shake things up I can't help but think it's all a sick joke. I am embarresed for the Republicans right now. 4 years ago, I was embarrased for the Democrats. Their choice of slow talking, horse face ugly-ass Kerry was not a great idea (no offense Kerry). Now though, we've got a guy running a smart campaign, not using the usually ridiculous tactics that involve fact changing, bullshit lies. He just speaks the truth when he talks about McCain and the truth is scary enough. He seems to have stayed away from attacking Palin though, smart but probably really hard not to. I especially feel sorry for old man McCain. That poor bastard, he's just doin' whatever he can in these last few days. I appreciate this race, I can appreciate why some people are voting Republican (I wish they wouldn't), I even appreciate Sarah Palin. She's doing the best she can I suppose. Oh shit, I almost forgot, what about her husband being a registered secessionist and not wanting Alaska to be a part of America? What the hell?? Patriotism at it's absolute worst!! Good God, why hasn't the Democratic Party mentioned this?
Anyway, good luck Republicans. I hope you rot in hell... just kidding. 3 more days... 3 more days, say your prayers...pray that this time Americans make the right choice and we can work on paying off the loans from China and Iraq (who actually have more money than we do and we still are spending our money there), pray for the moose that Sarah Palin will be shooting when huntin' season rolls back around. And thank the good Lord for making Alaska oil rich so we can "Drill Baby Drill"...
Anyway, good luck Republicans. I hope you rot in hell... just kidding. 3 more days... 3 more days, say your prayers...pray that this time Americans make the right choice and we can work on paying off the loans from China and Iraq (who actually have more money than we do and we still are spending our money there), pray for the moose that Sarah Palin will be shooting when huntin' season rolls back around. And thank the good Lord for making Alaska oil rich so we can "Drill Baby Drill"...
drill baby drill,
First Amendment Rights,
global warming,
going green,
Hilary Clinton,
joe the plumber,
Jonh McCain,
Rush Limbaugh,
Sarah Palin
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