Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fuck it... let's see what they can do.

Well shit hell fuck fire!! The crazy tea-party fuckers have somehow moved right into the government and might actually make some decisions for our country. Who would have thought? Now, I don't know all the numbers and details because quite honestly, I'm pretty buzzed right now but... we lost the house. We lost control of the House of Representatives and now, the Republicans get to sort of choose what passes and what doesn't. They get to have a little more power. Whatever, I'm over it. They can't fix it overnight either. I get that the American people are frustrated with the economy, unemployment and the fact that big business is paid for and profiting while we can't even bring home enough money for rent. I either pay the rent or keep the electricity on. Haven't gone grocery shopping in 6 months but I'm not blaming Obama. I'm not totally blaming George W. Bush either. I don't know exactly who's fault it is (maybe my own for not having a savings account to draw from). What I do know, as I've researched it... can't tell you at the moment but... Obama has done a lot of positive shit. Somewhere I have a link to a website that lists it out exactly... ok, there it is. Check that shit out bitches! (credit that link to @Shoq) The White House needs better marketing. Ol' calm, cool and collective President O just says "I'll work with the Republicans to come to an agreement." No fucker! Tell the American people what you've done!! Brag a little brother. I'll let you. I can't defend you all the time to the dumbshits that don't try to understand. No one is talking about how much f'n money the war has cost our country. Just to destroy someone else and their land. No one is talking about the fact that there was no regulation on Wall street and the housing crisis bullshit. Didn't this shit go down before Obama came to town? I don't fuckin' know. Let's see how well they do. Corrupt mother fuckers. Bring it on Bachman... let us see what you find with all your super expensive impeachment plans. He didn't get a blowjob from an intern... what now crazy bitch? Ooh, I'm sorry, lost it for a second.

Jerry Brown won, so did Gavin Newsom (he is a sexy bastard) and Barbara Boxer so California showed up! We lost on legalizing pot but that'll be there again in 2 yrs. so we'll try again. No gay marriage this time around... I'm glad, I need a break from anger for a minute or two.

Oh and shoot (really... shoot like fire, hunting and hang a stuffed head in your den), Sarah Palin is all about defending and endorsing tea bagger freaks and oh... so sad... none of the one's she spoke for won. I'm really sorry crazy Sarah. Good luck on Dancing with the Stars or the Surreal Life or... Celebrity Fit Club. You'll do great! I'll text in my vote for you.

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