Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Thank God for puppies and illegal aliens!!

It's been a month since I last posted. I apologize and before you get excited, I can't leave a big old post tonight either. I love writing on this blog but it really takes a lot of energy outta me. I'm going to try a little harder to post more stuff here... soon...

My hit counter stopped working and I'm really pissed, I had over 14,000 hits on this blog. Musta been a glitch.

The kids finally went back to school after what they say was a "boring, lame" summer... must be rough... sleeping in every day for 3 months, not doing a damn thing... poor kids. We tried to make it fun. We camped, went to the beach, the movies and the water park one day. I spent their college fund at the fair and took them to a great concert. Whatever... pre-teens.

I'm pissed off at some of my friends on Facebook. They are old co-workers of mine that are seriously Republican and as if that's not bad enough, their ignorant. I know, I know... isn't that a give in? But, no, not always. I have Republican friends that aren't totally retarded. I try to have a legitimate conversation/debate with them and they bring up illegals and welfare. That's not Christian of you guy that posts endless "praise the good lord for this picture of a puppy and a duck"... Baby ducks and puppies need love but please don't give any money to a family of 5 that has no father around because he's in jail and no way for the mother to work and pay for daycare and rent... etc... How bout the folks that leave the "re-post if your happy that welfare people have to be drug tested". Yes, that is a great idea but the percentage of people abusing welfare and medi-cal is pretty small in comparison to the number of people that actually need it. It is much more difficult to get these benefits than it once was. I really need to do more research in this area because I am very close to telling more than one redneck hillbilly off in regards to their "I love God but hate welfare, illegal aliens and anyone that benefits from anything resembling good will towards men" Now, I am definitely NOT saying that it's ok for people to get government aid that don't need it, don't try every other thing possible to take care of themselves, or abuse the system so they don't have to work. I don't condone illegal aliens working here without attempting to become citizens and just going from Social Security number to Social Security number until their caught. There needs to be some regulation, some control. It's a lot easier said than done. My point here is that the right wing zombies (the people that just repeat what they hear on Fox news) often blame government funded programs and illegal aliens for our countries economic issues. They always say that the left blames the billionaires. Uh... yeah, the billionaires that don't pay enough, they are partly responsible, the mortgage brokers that gave out crazy loans and scored a whole lotta dough on money that didn't exist, the oil companies that are making their biggest profit years EVER while we are paying through the nose for gas. The wall street guys and the fucked up, completely unnecessary war that we started 10 years ago, these also contribute to our current economical situation. AND... why hasn't Obama fixed all of these problems yet? I mean come on already... Congress is TOTALLY cooperating with him on every thing he wants to do... right? God forbid he try to help the country by giving us health care that every one can afford, or offer up a stimulus plan. What a total asshole he is. Why didn't he wave his magic wand and erase all the debt that ol Bushy pants racked up for us?

These people with their fucking countdown until the next election, the jerk-offs with their "how's that hopey changey thing workin out for ya" bumper stickers and the dicks that keep saying that Obama hasn't done a damn thing to get jobs. Uh...neither has John Boehner like he promised. We can't create jobs if every friggin thing Obama tries to do the Republican run Congress tell him no. I guess I sound just as bad as the right, playing the blame game. It's a matter of how you look at it I suppose. Learn the facts... that's all I ask. And, quit bragging about how much you love the Lord while you trash all the people that are less fortunate than you. Quit saying that "your taxes shouldn't pay for welfare, health care and illegal aliens using all the free shit that's offered". Jesus probably would tell you to help someone that needs help. Jesus would probably want us to let the children of illegal aliens go to school and to the doctor when their sick. Wouldn't he? Wouldn't God want you to let the government help a single mother get groceries for her kids? Maybe he would say "teach those illegal aliens and homeless people to fish". Maybe he wouldn't say "go fishing for the homeless guy and bring him a 40 ouncer to drink while you cook the fish dinner" but he probably wouldn't tell you to call that homeless guy a lazy slob. He might want you to offer some kind words or a warm jacket or maybe pay a little bit more of your $90,000/year salary to help build a shelter. Wouldn't that be Christlike?

So... that's my "short" post. So much for just catching up on the latest...

In conclusion... I know that my right sided friends don't read this blog but if they did, I'd say this: Quit posting about how you love God and all the blessings he has laid upon you and your wonderful family when your very next post is about how thankful you are that God hasn't allowed our President to get anything done. Quit saying how great it will be in 517 days when another dip shit is sworn in to save our asses from our own asses. Quit posting pictures of snuggling raccoons and claiming that is proof of God's love while your bad mouthing the fact that the government is doing everything for lazy people. And PLEASE stop asking for less government involvement while you have a "thank your mother for deciding not to abort you" or "marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman" bumper stickers on your car. Instead of being pissed off about abortion being legal, teach your damn kids what a condom is... wow, what a concept! Instead of being pissed off about gay marriage, worry about your own damn marriage and quit giving birth to gay babies.

I'm not too sure about the existence of Hell but I do know Karma's a bitch.

516 days until Barrack is RE-ELECTED!!!

puppies and baby ducks
are really cute. Thanks God!


Anonymous said...

The same could be said about your blog and how preachy you are about politics and how you try to force your opinion down everyones throat. Just accept the fact that everyone is allowed their own opinions and live with it. Not everyone has to agree with you. Thats what makes the world go round. Differences. Granted you may think that they are retards, but they probably think the same about you. Is their opinion about you gonna change your point of view? NO! So quit trying to force everyone to believe what you believe. Whats good for the goose isn't always good for the gander. Deal with it. You cant change the world by calling everyone names and pointing out how wrong they are. Take a pill and chill out not everyone has jungle fever for Obama like you do. Run for office, run for a position on the city council and make a difference somewhere instead of rambling on your blog. Im sure you are a smart person and will be able to do what many others have not been able to do. Good Luck.

Angie said...

Well that's well put. Thank you for your opinion and that is exactly why I write this blog, to express my opinion. I totally expect there to be opinions and thank goodness we all get to vote and have free speech in this country. I don't try to force my beliefs down everyone's throat. If you read too into it then yeah, I am speaking my mind but I try to be fair about a lot of stuff I say. I'm pissed off and this is the way I relieve some of my anger without causing a ruckus amongst co-workers or family. Most of the readers of this are strangers or like minded people. If you disagree then great, good for you, and if you do agree with some then yay. I'm not running for office while running my mouth, I don't teach my soccer players this political or religious belief of mine, I don't even talk to my children about this stuff. I don't think everyone is retarded, just some people and my jungle fever is great. I'm proud of my words and my humor and the way I express myself. Thank you for your opinion... good luck to you as well.

Angie said...

ps anonymous if I hurt your feelings with my post, I'm sorry. Being mean isn't very God like either and I don't want to be hurtful. I get mad and express anger, God and I are working on these anger issues.