Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Homos and Alzheimer's....

Hi everyone! I'm here! I'm queer! Get used to it!... oh, sorry, I got crazy and thought I was fighting for gay rights today... I'm not doing that today, I'm too tired. Although, I will say, somewhere along the lines here, the gay community dropped the ball on getting our vote on the ballot this November. I just heard, yesterday, that all the gay groups were not on the same page for fighting this same sex marriage law thing that we all voted on last time. We were supposed to get it on the ballot for November and try to overturn it. Now I wonder, how in the hell we aren't fighting a little harder. Is there like a central website that all gay and gay supporters should be going to? Is there a website? Should I know more about this? Did I miss gay orientation day? I guess it's my fault too. I don't subscribe to all the gay newsletters and rainbow clubs out there. I'm not that into it. I'm a gay but not all running around shouting it out or anything. I mean, I have kids and...believe it or not... they are not gay! I know right? They are totally normal and lead normal lives and don't talk about gay stuff. Crazy huh? Well, that's not the only reason I don't have homo stickers on my car or protest every chance I get, bottom line is gay people get on my nerves. My gay friends aren't that gay. I mean they are but they aren't shouting it out... well, some of them are... some of them just can't help it. Oh forget it, I didn't even plan on talking about gays today... what the hell... that's what happens when I get started. I really just wanted to post something, anything to let my 4 readers out there know that I'm thinking about them. Hi readers! So, I'm a lamer and I accidentally started following my own blog and I don't know how to undo it so my little picture is posted as a follower. It's really cool to have followers and I had one person for the longest time (God love you John W.) and Suzanne (my partner in blog crime) is really not blogging as much as she could... your so busted Suzanne, I'm going to march over to your house right now, raid your refrigerator and yell at you while I'm eating something delicious that your making for dinner... you are being warned. But, our one follower is our friend and now... now we have more! Yeah for us. Thank you peeps. And, I know we have readers that don't post their little picture but read this blog anyway and to you I also say: "Thank you!!". I try to make this rambling mess interesting and I hope that at least sometimes it is. I know that I don't post a bunch of photos and links but I'm not that good so, that may come later and besides, I only take pictures of my dogs and that gets old.
My life is turning into some unexpected places. In May, I will fly out to Indiana to get tested by a doctor that is doing a study on Alzheimer's. As some of you know, my mother passed away a few years ago from Alzheimer's. It's not like cancer where your body shuts down and you die, it's like different things happen to cause the body to shut down. It's an Alzheimer's related death... I think. Anyway, the University of Indiana has some brain tissue from both my mother and my Uncle Don so they are doing a study about early onset Alzheimer's disease and would like to test my brother and sister for the gene that early onset family members have a 50-50% chance of getting (not 51-50 by the way...). So... I will soon know if I have this gene. I'm so excited! Should be good news though. Let's all pause, say a little prayer, and hope that none of us have this gene. (Pausing to pray...1,2,3...). Ok, great, thank you... moving right along... I don't know how I feel yet, I was initially excited just to see my sister and brother for a few days and I wasn't really thinking about the whole testing thing. It's all paid for and even the flight and hotel room is covered so it seemed like a little vacation. Then, I got word that there will be a spinal tap! Oh my God... what? That's really crazy and I'm just gonna say... scary!!! I don't know... I'm not thinking about that just this minute. My life is perfect right now... I mean, it's not even funny how great everything is. The kids, the wifey, the dogs... our house and even my job is good. I have a great family around and a lot of cool shit going on so I can't even think negative or worry. It's not an option. My mom was a super awesome lady and I am blessed to be a lot like her but I swear to green grass and gravy if that bitch passed that gene on to me I'm gonna write a tell all book about her! Just kidding, no one would care. Anyway, I'll write about it when I return and tell probably way more than any one would care to know about. I feel confident that everything will be fine. That spinal tap is not too cool but whatever, I'll deal with it. It's a great chance to plan my future a little bit and to have a heads up to what could come. The best part is... uh, I don't know what the best part is but I'm sure there's a good part in there somewhere. Maybe the doctor will diagnose my brother with his bi-polar disease that he will actually take something for... fat chance of that I'm sure. No, you know what? Maybe I can get medical marijuana prescribed to me... that's a perfect way to prevent Alzheimer's right? I don't know, I forgot what I was talking about... oh and conveniently enough, I forgot how to do the dishes and clean the house... awww that's too bad.

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