Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Last game this weekend and other nonsense

Well people, we won again. We actually dominated... 5-1. Almost ridiculous how good these kids are and well... I'm an awesome coach. OK, it's the players more than anything else. Lucky for these parents we did win or I might have gone crazy on them. In any case, this win was a little sad, the goalie for the other team was crying. Lukas again was goalie for us and did good. He missed one but there was no way he could have stopped it, it was way over his head. The coach from the other team was sooo nice. It wasn't fair really. Oh well. One more game... we usually have a party but oh no, the team mom says (in a whiny, annoying voice if you add the audio): "We usually don't do parties in the spring so I don't think we need one". Uh hello? It's not about you dumb ass... do your kids want a party?... I think they do. Whatever, that's what I get for asking what they think we should do. I'm over it. Enough about soccer. The fall season will be filled with lots of blogs that only I read or proofread. Actually, not true... Hey Suzanne, what's up Mama?... Love you. (She's my only die hard reader... thanks for the support...).
Speaking of readers, followers and people who know of this blog, sign up, leave comments and let me know if you enjoy my ramblings or if I'm being a lamer. I probably won't change my writing style but at least you will feed my narcissistic needs (Amy just used that word about "twitter" and I realized it is exactly how to describe people who tweet). AND... speaking of "twitter", I have signed up. All the cool kids are doing it and well... if they all jumped off a bridge and lived to tell me how cool it was... I would jump too. So, I only have 2 followers, one of which is Barack Obama so if you all could sign up for "twitter" and follow me that would be great. Thanks a lot. I don't know how it works or if it's really fun or what but I thought I'd get with the program. I don't have a facebook or myspace for undisclosed reasons but I do have a twitter account. My name on it is bkvent but you can look me up as angie brooks too. So, that's your homework. I don't have it connected to my phone because I have the crappy little model phone that T-Mobil offers. I will get a blackberry when my contract allows the upgrade in August. My phone literally holds only 30 text messages and because I am so nostalgic I save a lot of them. My favourite text is when I told Amy about 3 years ago that I bought a Christmas Tree and her response was: "I love you. Get out the decorations." Dumb right... and Felipe, whenever he sends me a text I always save it. He's one of my best friends and I rarely talk to him so when he sends me a text it's usually something nice or funny, Shawn Harris too (I always have to use his last name due to the other Sean's in my life, if I thought anyone actually read this I wouldn't give last names but... I'm a rebel). Then there's the stupid pictures that Amy sends me of the dogs... gotta save those. So, basically, I don't have much room for twitter or whatever. I don't have Internet on my phone nor do I have a music thing. I'm old school but really, really, really want an iPhone. Someday...
I've had almost a whole bottle of Two-buck-Chuck so... sorry that I'm talking a lot. I really need to post something daily but due to work and chores and my children, there is no time. We are starting our McCafe and it's requiring a lot of my time. I have to memorize all this information, my restaurant is under construction, I'm hiring about 10 people that all need to be trained and I have really important McDonald's people coming in to make sure me and my "coffee specialists" know what the frick frack they are doing... we don't. It's a very important thing this coffee launch. It's like the introduction of the mother-loving Big Mac. That's how serious this crap gets. I've been working 10 hour days all week and I'm expecting even longer hours the next 2 weeks, my boss has been in my store all week long and has me doing the stupidest stuff, as if I don't have enough to do. I don't know if anyone who has never run a fast food restaurant can understand... wait, not just any fast food but a restaurant that serves like 1500 people in one day. My sales are ridiculous right now and my little ass is tired as hell. I like to be able to walk around smoking cigarettes and doing a little paperwork here and there, I'm not used to actually working my ass off for the entire 10 hour day. I don't even want to talk about the pay. It's almost a joke how little I get paid. I think I should start my own radio talk show and make 100 thous. a day to talk shit about the president... that sounds like a good living. Rush, look out, here I come.
Well, that's enough chatterbox for now. I'll probably regret this never ending blog. I actually asked you all to follow this blog, nice timing... personal note: never drunk blog.

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