Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tooth Fairy?

My sweet, innocent, wondrous little 10 yr. old daughter has just told me that she "knows" the tooth fairy is not real. Her friend heard on the news that a 15 yr. old (shockingly) still believed in the tooth fairy. What kind of fucking news shows is this child's mother allowing her to watch? I am appalled and saddened by this whole notion that my little girl is a non-believer. Has she lost her faith and hope in things that are fantasy and completely ridiculous? I'm not even mentioning Santa... don't go there. I should be relieved because I will save some money (she has several baby teeth still in that non-conforming head of hers) but I'm not. I can't lie to her but at the same time, I can't allow this in my home. Her brother still believes and oddly enough he hasn't lost nearly as many teeth as her. You'd think that, even knowing the truth, she would play along for a while just to get the payout... Oh my God... she's known for a lot longer than she's led on. That little tooth losing, under the pillow putting, "mommy did the tooth fairy come?" asking weasel. She's probably known for years. I can't even think about Santa and the Easter Bunny. What's next? Is she suddenly going to come home from school and tell us that her friend said she should be a Republican because shes afraid she'll turn into a "Socialist"? I'm not so sure about this friend... same friend whose dad said if gay people are allowed to get married then "hobos will want to marry trees"... that friend. My little girl is sweet and innocent and if hanging around this little hoodlum prevents her from enjoying her childhood, I will have to talk to her parents (I despise that father of hers... he's a whole posting of his own that I won't waste my typing skills on). I hope that she slows down on the questioning of imaginary people/animals that leave gifts for a bit because I don't know how much my heart can take at one time and I have a personal connection to the Clause's that I'm not willing to break off just yet.

1 comment:

Paco Bailac said...

Best Regards from Barcelona