Sunday, March 28, 2010

Health Care Passed/teabaggers and Sarah Palin piss me off.

Yeah!! We did it, well someone did it, maybe not "us", but someone. Obama? Congress? Tea baggers? Somebody approved this health care and I couldn't be happier although I do want my country back... wait, I got it already. Shit, I forgot that I don't need to say that any more. I get confused. I'm supposed to be angry about something, I just can't remember all the time. Oh, I remember now... I'm pissed... somebody told me to fuck off on twitter the other day. It was mean and I don't even know why. Then, I looked at his tweets and he's told everyone to fuck off so it was cool. I wiped my tears.
So "kill the bill", that's what the Teabaggers are saying. They are just angry and butt hurt about it passing. (I could call them T.B.s but I truly, truly love the fact that they call themselves Teabaggers... jesus! That is awesome. AWESOME!...) So, they are all mad and crying about it. It is something that will actually help people. Wow, what a thought. Poor people will actually get some medical attention when it's needed. They might live a little longer to continue to suck the blood from the rich and let the government pay for their really fancy lifestyles and not work, just sit around pushing babies out. People with cancer and diabetes and children with asthma might get something to help them breathe all the polluted air that the big ass rich corporations are spewing into the air....someone might actually get their shit taken care of without going bankrupt or becoming homeless because they don't have insurance or the ridiculous overpriced insurance doesn't cover them. Holy shit, how dare our government help people! How dare Americans take care of our less fortunate citizens. I mean duh, it's their fault that they are poor right? They have the same opportunity as Glenn mother f$#@king Beck to be rich and have "truckloads". Don't those stupid white trash people know all they have to do is get themselves a talk show and talk massive shit and throw out lies and hate speech? They aren't trying hard enough. American dreams are built on lies and bullshit... just take advantage of our "free" country. Never mind that you don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of, never mind that you can't get a job because... THERE ARE NO FUCKING JOBS!!!... forget about going to the doctor... the teabaggers do not want to pay for your ass. Make a sign and stand on the steps of congress and spit at people who oppose you. It totally works. Spell stuff wrong too, that helps a lot...oh don't forget a picture of Obama with a little Hitler mustache. What the fuck? I'm all for free speech... obviously... BUT if your gonna speak, try to make some God damn sense. Especially if your going to speak super loudly and bring your children with you. The KKK did the same kinda shit these teabaggers do. It's unacceptable. Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh AND... Bill O'reilly. They are complete and utter hate mongers. They spew and get people all riled up and create panic and fear and false aggression. Why do they get this power? It's criminal if you ask me. They are like the Pope of the right. Catholics used to hang onto every word the Pope spoke and even the Catholics are starting to pay attention and be realistic...(I am a recovering Catholic so I get to say stuff like that...sorry Mom).
Now, let me just say a couple more things... Sarah mother fucking Palin... What the Fuck, who the hell, why, oh fucking, why do I even know this bitch's name? She is ridiculous. Who in the frig let her out of the depths of hell? She is a nightmare and a total hack. "Hopey changey thing" (imagine a really whiny dumb ass sounding voice I'm using right now...with a lisp...I always add a lisp when I use silly offense to lispers). She has a lot of balls coming out in the open air and breathing. She is like nails on a fucking chalkboard. She hurts me. Someone must stop her. She's another one with power that she just shouldn't ever have. It scares me. If there is anyone that shouldn't be allowed to speak... it's her. I'm not a wife beater or a girl hitter, (my wife would totally kick my ass... she can bruise me with a look... I'm not kidding... she is a tough bitch), but there are four women that I seriously would love to just SLAP across the face really, really hard for being an embarrassment to women everywhere. They are: Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Elisabeth Hassleback and of course... basketball team mom. These bitches really piss me off and make us look bad. I mean, I have more respect for Paris Hilton than I do for these wrong women of the world. Even basketball mom is probably a democrat and if she voted for Obama then I'll cut her some slack and chalk it up to no insurance to buy her anti-psychotic meds. And, it's not that these gals are Republicans, it's that they are bitches. They act big but are just repeating what they've heard on FOX news. They think that they are protecting America and it's sad they way they have no compassion for regular 'ol folks that try to live their days out happy and not super rich. I can't express it at the moment due to the fact that I've been, once again, distracted by something on t.v... it's not FOX news though so that's a good thing... oh yeah, the bitches think that they can roll with the big boys and talk about how bad Obama is and how he's taking away our freedom... he's such a socialist... he wants the government to pay for everyone. I'm curious... are these women from rich families? Did their single mom work two jobs at any point? Did they ever have any kind of help with college tuition or any kind of health issues? I guess I'm asking if they have any excuses or reasons for hating our President other than because he's a Democrat... he's black too, don't forget that one. George W. Bush was not a smart man. I know that because I just do... Obama is a smart man... this too, I just know. We are lucky to live in this country and have the things we have. We are lucky that we get to choose a dumb President and then a smart one. We are lucky that we can blog about how annoying people are and how thankful we are for this freedom. I shouldn't complain, I should just keep smiling and working and spending a lot of money on gas, food and insurance coverage. I wish it was an option, to not get mad, it's not. I have to express myself, even if no-one reads it or cares, even if it's not on a talk show or a bullhorn on top of my car. I get to. I can. I'm an American and... so is Sarah fucking Palin (even if her husband did try to make Alaska separate from America).

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hell yes! Good times! Empty picture frame. I'm not bitter...

Ok! It's done! Basketball season for my team and my kid is officially over! Yeah! It was rough, I got mad and my feelings got hurt. I was a cry baby and a little bit of a whiner. Not a winner, a whiner and for that, I'm sorry. But shit, I felt like some of those parents were dicks. Usually at the end of the season parties (I've been to 7 of these things and they always go the same way) I give a little speech, thank the parents and the other volunteers and get a little gift and a card signed by the team. This year, I got no gift... actually, I did, an empty picture frame with the boys signature around the edge. That's sweet and I should be grateful. I am actually. What I'm pissed about is the fact that the "team mom", the woman who yelled at me in front of everyone, the woman that sent out an e-mail after me apologizing for my "negativity", the woman who told me that "all the parents are saying blah, blah, blah...", and the woman that acts like she thinks I'm nice but talks massive shit about me behind my back,...she got flowers, a bottle of wine and a $25 gift card for Macy's AND a big 'ol round of applause and a bunch of praise for all her hard work. WHAT THE FUCK??? Hard work? Are you kidding me? I'm not bitter, I don't care. Whatever. Who cares what those parents think. Who cares that I got out there, coached their kids, spent 3 days a week (sometimes 4) an hour and a half each day to play with them and teach them how to play the game. Who cares that I gave them cute little nick names and her husband changed them into animal names... (that's gay too). I stayed up late at night planning out the line up only to have him hand me his line up the next day 10 minutes before the game...he can't even make a damn basket, he never coached a team in his stupid life. That was my team, not his, not hers... mine! It's so pathetic that I'm upset, so ridiculous. I'm such an ego maniac that allowing someone else to get the credit pisses me off right? NO! I totally don't mind giving credit to someone else, I don't, I mean it, but this lady, she wasn't the coach. Yes, she did the snack list, she shouted a lot and cheered on the team and she stepped over the line when she corrected me about my e-mail, pressured me into allowing her husband to hold a practice when I canceled. And, the slide show... holy shit how could I forget, she took pictures and put together a slide show, which, by the way, I wasn't in any pictures other than the side or back of my head. I'm not bitter. I got my empty picture frame, I got my team photo that the photography studio sent me, I got my hug and thank you from my kid, it's cool. I'm over it. I'll take this experience, run with it, learn from it and thankfully, I had some fun blog material right? Hell yes! Good times!