Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Teabagger Patriots?
This video is long but so worth the watch. It was done by DebatePoliticsRoom and the music is great as is the message. The teabaggers are an embarrassment to America...douche bags. Enjoy.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Racist teabaggers and blood sucking ticks.
Finally, someone has declared the tea party to be racist, (i can't capitalize them, it hurts me). It's too bad that it took so long but damn it all to hell if these fools aren't blatant racist scumbags. I'm sure not all are racists, I do believe some of the Tea baggers are good 'ol America lovin' non-racists but I'm willing to bet, most of them are. If Obama wasn't black, there would still be a lot of anger but I doubt as much hatred. We did protest Bush but not as aggressive as these people are. And how bout that Sarah Palin monstrosity? She's awesome. She's running for President. Holy shit balls. I can't even imagine... I can't even imagine...(needed to be said twice).
The oil spill has been capped!! Hallelujah. Hopefully this will work. The financial reform bill is on it's way to the Pres' desk and the right want to repeal it, of course. Dick Cheney is a little closer to his meeting with the devil and Mel Gibson has once again proved he is a crazy friggin' loon.
I went camping and had a great time. The kids enjoy it, they don't have to pack a bunch of crap, unpack it 30 minutes later, pack it all up again 3 days later only to unpack it all 30 minutes after that. It's a vicious cycle. Is it worth it? Still trying to figure it out. Booze and a campfire are very enticing though. Oh shit, I almost forgot, I had a tick on me. Wtf? A tick! I plucked it off my skin because my girlfriend was too scared to get it. It was like biting my skin trying to stick his head in my flesh and suck all my blood out. I could have died. I didn't though. I got lucky. I was spared so that I could pack all that camping shit up only to unpack it 30 minutes later. Gotta love blood sucking ticks and dirt for 3 days.
The oil spill has been capped!! Hallelujah. Hopefully this will work. The financial reform bill is on it's way to the Pres' desk and the right want to repeal it, of course. Dick Cheney is a little closer to his meeting with the devil and Mel Gibson has once again proved he is a crazy friggin' loon.
I went camping and had a great time. The kids enjoy it, they don't have to pack a bunch of crap, unpack it 30 minutes later, pack it all up again 3 days later only to unpack it all 30 minutes after that. It's a vicious cycle. Is it worth it? Still trying to figure it out. Booze and a campfire are very enticing though. Oh shit, I almost forgot, I had a tick on me. Wtf? A tick! I plucked it off my skin because my girlfriend was too scared to get it. It was like biting my skin trying to stick his head in my flesh and suck all my blood out. I could have died. I didn't though. I got lucky. I was spared so that I could pack all that camping shit up only to unpack it 30 minutes later. Gotta love blood sucking ticks and dirt for 3 days.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
"He kills people" ??? Impeach!!

Ok, ok, ok... I've had it with this mother f'er dumb ass that sits on the corner by my work. He is like in his 20's and sets up a card table with a sign that says "Impeach Obama". There is a poster with Obama sportin' a Hitler stash. It irritates the shit outta me. I went past him last time, stopped in the middle of the street and said "what the hell is this? Why are you doing this, it's mean", he said, "he's a mean man and he kills people". What? Kills people? I did not know this. I'm actually a little surprised. I wouldn't think that our president would kill people. I did not get a chance to find out exactly what he meant as I was in the middle of a busy road in my car and other cars were approaching but I'm curious as to what this asshole meant by that. And then, me, smart as I can possibly sound, say to him "that's mean". I love it when I have awesome comebacks like that one. My point is what does he mean by that and what reason is there for impeachment. Now we all know why we should have impeached Bush. If you don't, let me give you a couple of things. First there is the ever popular war crimes which include torture and totally unfounded attack on a non-threatening country (the latter may not be a crime but should be). Second, totally changing our constitution to his liking and allowing the whole phone tapping bullshit and trying to change the one man one woman marriage crap. If I want to marry my super sexy dachshund I should be allowed to as an American (he's not a good kisser though because his breath smells like cat shit...aka almond roccas). Not to mention the lack of regulation on loans, credit card charges and wall streets antics. I guess I just felt like that guy really hit a nerve. The dems don't do all that shit. Some stuff like a bumper sticker that said impeach cheney or a W with a circle and a slash but not all this crazy shit like hitler mustaches or monkeys or tea party protest with fucked up signs. My favorite is that joker face. Wtf? It's everywhere. These hillbillies are so angry that he got elected. They're blaming him for the oil spill, the latest mortgage crisis, the economy and the loss of the Superbowl to the Saints. I mean for Christ's sake is nothing the leftover fault of Bush? No, duh, it's obvious that "our Kenyan President" planned to fuck up the economy right before being elected. I need to rest my thoughts and not get so worked up. Never mind Abu Ghraib or the endless search for Bin Laden in a country he wasn't in or holy shit, almost forgot WMD's... Forget about his dumb ass words that he couldn't pronounce or choking on a pretzel, forget about the Penguin Dick Cheney who scared the shit out of everyone, I just need to be thankful for Barrack Obama and the fact that he is our President. He has gotten this health care thing going (long, long overdue), he's turned the stem cell research decision around which is really, really important, he passed some regulation on candidate fund-raising and credit card companies. He's also putting a lot of effort into "going green" and many more things that I won't list for fear of saying them wrong and being challenged by some ass that thinks he should be impeached (not that I have any readers that care enough to challenge me). I need to be thankful for these things and I need to be thankful that I have a job and a voice to use, I need to be thankful that I'm not so angry I have to sit on the street corner and preach lies to unsuspecting pedestrians. I am angry that we aren't tougher to the Republicans that tell lies and spread hate. I am angry that stupid words spill out of stupid mouths like Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and people actually listen and believe what they say. But, I will just continue to express myself here, in this forum and occasionally on Twitter and not teach my children that hate and anger are the way we vote. We will prevail, we will win and the Republicans will never admit it but they know we are better and Jesus is going to be really pissed off when they try to get into heaven. Patience and maybe a little ass kicking. Maybe Obama should try to get angry and put a card table on the corner with Beck's hitler mustache taped to the street pole.
(this photo is not the actual poster I saw, very similar though...)
Friday, July 2, 2010
Word up!... Happy 4th!!!
Hey everybody!! So, here it is, I'm throwing out my post for the week. Week's almost over so I really needed to get on the ball. Fridays are not as exciting for me as the rest of the world because for as long as I can remember, I've always worked early on Saturdays so, my Friday is Saturday because I take Sundays off. Was that a wasted explanation? Who cares... I don't. I found a some weed in my parking lot yesterday. That was neat. I always find pot at Mickey D's in some random place (like the parking lot). I quit smoking weed a few years ago but it is a cool little find. I'll be the cool kid at the party when I bust out my super dried up old ass bud that I found on the ground. I remember when I was a teenager and we would go to shows and people would offer us stuff like chewing gum or licorice, we would always take it readily and say to each other "maybe it's laced with something"... that made taking candy from strangers so much more exciting. Until I actually did get something laced... with PCP. That is a whole different story. In retrospect though, kinda fun I think, at least the story of it is... maybe not. I only recall almost dieing and one of my friends trying to wipe his fingerprints off of my room and repeatedly saying "I was never here, you never saw me here..." What an ass! That guy... you know who he is, you all have that friend out there somewhere like that.
So, I like the 4th of July. We are having the annual block party here on my street and I always attend but it isn't until this year that I actually live here. I don't have to worry about driving, I can just stumble home or... pass out on the grass, whatever.
Soccer is about to start and I just cannot wait. I get my team on July 10th and I can start practicing August 1st. Oooh it is going to be a fun season this time around. I know soccer bitches... basketball was a friggin' nightmare but I know my soccer shit and ain't nobody gonna try to push me around on this one!!! Can't wait, can't wait. My poor kid though, he just does whatever makes me happy and doesn't even realize how seriously I take this shit, (I think he does and just let's me get crazy so he can use it against me later... who knows... quality time right?). My girl, she's a ballerina and I don't know the first thing about ballet. I try to learn her moves but uh... imagine that for a minute could ya?
Well, that's it for me tonight, gonna drink some wine, watch a little t.v. and crash out because I gotta work tomorrow. Just want to say Glenn Beck is an asshole, BP can suck it instead of blowing it, and Sarah Palin should absolutely run for president because that will guarantee another term for my boyfriend. Till next week... "Word up... Happy 4th!!!!"
So, I like the 4th of July. We are having the annual block party here on my street and I always attend but it isn't until this year that I actually live here. I don't have to worry about driving, I can just stumble home or... pass out on the grass, whatever.
Soccer is about to start and I just cannot wait. I get my team on July 10th and I can start practicing August 1st. Oooh it is going to be a fun season this time around. I know soccer bitches... basketball was a friggin' nightmare but I know my soccer shit and ain't nobody gonna try to push me around on this one!!! Can't wait, can't wait. My poor kid though, he just does whatever makes me happy and doesn't even realize how seriously I take this shit, (I think he does and just let's me get crazy so he can use it against me later... who knows... quality time right?). My girl, she's a ballerina and I don't know the first thing about ballet. I try to learn her moves but uh... imagine that for a minute could ya?
Well, that's it for me tonight, gonna drink some wine, watch a little t.v. and crash out because I gotta work tomorrow. Just want to say Glenn Beck is an asshole, BP can suck it instead of blowing it, and Sarah Palin should absolutely run for president because that will guarantee another term for my boyfriend. Till next week... "Word up... Happy 4th!!!!"
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