So, I'm back from Indianapolis and Cincinnati and I must say, I had an interesting and fun time. I had a bunch of tests done to determine if I have AD and to help in the research of Early Onset AD, I met a lot of cool people, discovered "Steak and Shake",went to a casino with my gambling sister and my non-gambling brother, I saw my nephews; one of which I hadn't seen in 20 years, finally saw my sister's restaurant she's owned and operated for five years, ate a bunch of awesome Cincinnati food, drove past my old houses, sprinkled some of my Mom's ashes on my Dad's and Grandparent's grave, saw for the 1st time my oldest brother's band that he's been in for 25 years play at a restaurant on the harbor, went to that same brother's new house (first new house ever, he's lived in the same house since he was born and he's now 53 yrs. old...), missed my plane (I've flown somewhere every other year since I can remember, and never missed a plane... like luggage somewhere else, missed a flight..), and most done within 48 hours. I did testing Monday - Friday and Friday night we got to Terri's. It was fantastic in Cincy. My brother's gig was so fun. I saw my Aunt Jean and my sister's sister and step-mom and just had a blast. I danced and ate and reminisced. I also had a really sad feeling one day. I chalk it up to my being homesick and all of the fears coming into the light. I went to bed in silence one night and my head spoke to me so the next morning I felt sad. I drank a lot too so it might have been a hangover. But, overall, a very cool experience. I learned a little more about my brother that actually frightened me as I stated in my last post, but also, I got my sister to see how he behaves. I think I actually trigger a lot of his outbursts but now that I know, I'm gonna not talk about Jesus and politics (isn't that a rule of conversation anyway?).
So, the trip was cool but I won't know any results for 6-12 weeks and I will take a time out then post the results and either way, I'm writing a book. After soccer season I'll start it. Just for the record, I'd like to throw some shout outs: to Felipe, IamZod, Marti, Oil and Vinegar, Lisa, @DustyKennedy, Coletta, Cindy and let's see... Jeff? and... oh shit forgive me, I can't recall anyone else that might read this... is that sad? oh wait, Teresa read it once or 2...thanks to you all. i am so happy that I get to vent... you know this is like a diary with an audience? Mickfog..I know you read sometimes you son of a gun (at least your wife does anyway... and why haven't you signed up for twitter?...) And... it's therapy so if I'm not always entertaining... fuck off, I'm letting you read my diary... just kidding...thanks again. I do try to entertain and to keep you interested. Politics another day and probably some religion, why the fuck not?