Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Where have I been you ask? Maybe you didn't. That's ok, I'm cool with that. I've been working and moving and working and moving and working, working, working. I have been so busy at my gay ass job (no, I don't do male-gay-porn) that I have been too friggin' tired to type or think. I didn't even go on Twitter during that time. I'm making tonight's entry short because it's midnight and I have to work some damn more tomorrow. No sleep for the manager.
Today my soccer team had a scrimmage and I'm proud but embarrassed to say we creemed 'em. I'm proud because my boys played really well and I'm embarrassed because I shouldn't have let the score get to 10 to 2. That's just wrong. It was a damn scrimmage, not a playoff game. I got side tracked and didn't get the key players out of the front soon enough. Then it sorta spiraled out of control and kids who I thought would never score were scoring. It was just crazy. Any way, looking forward to Saturday when we play our first game. I have tasted the blood and I want the kill. Last years win made me an animal and I want to have a championship team every year. That's not asking much right?
So, the new house... it's friggin' awesome. We love it. We have a garage and a nice backyard. My son has a basketball court in the backyard and my daughter has a boy next door that's her age and that she likes... wait, we're moving... bars on the windows. It's really nice here, not super duper hot like our old town. Grandma and Grandpa 2 doors down. I did have to do a little regulating with the neighbors already but that's a different post for a different day.
I have to go to sleep now but I promise, on Sunday, I will take a few minutes to write some more. If anyone actually reads this, thank you. I really appreciate you lonely reader. Leave a comment if you feel brave, if not, that's fine too. Just the fact that I have a reader is very exciting.