I swear to green grass and gravy... those mother lovin' sons a bitches! So today, I'm driving along, on my way to work at about 7:30 this morning, happy and ready for a great day, when I get a total dick trying to ruin my morning. Here's how it went: driving along, feeling groovy, when this car pulls up next to me and he has his passenger side window down. It's early in the morning and still cold so I thought maybe he needed to tell me something. I thought maybe he was being a good citizen and informing me of something I needed to know about my vehicle, flat tire or my dress hanging out of the door, you know, something nice. (Oh, by the way, I'd rather drive naked in a convertible without doors than wear a dress... just recalling a lady with her dress hanging out the door once and decided to use that... I'm not a dress wearing kinda chick...). So, I glance over and see him with his window down and think what the heck is this guy doing. I go back to my driving and he drives a little past me, window still down. I start to slow, as I am about to turn into my work when that mother fucker holds a giant plastic "Yes on 8" sign to me. WTF!! I was shocked! How dare that son of a bitch try to ruin my day by showing me his stupid, God damn sign! He was like "Ha ha, I voted yes on 8 gay person". I mean, so fucking what, ya dumb ass. When would anyone ever go out of their way to slow down, reach in their backseat, roll down their window just to say "I'm an idiot and I want you to know"? The nerve of that a-hole. I was so mad and hurt. I rolled down my window and flipped him off and instead of turning at the first available turn like usual, I continued on with my finger out the window the whole time. He sped off and drove up the street. It was almost as if he followed me off the freeway just to do that. Can you even believe that shit? I was absolutely appalled. The only time I say anything to anyone is when they are standing on the corner in a group, protesting. Even then, I don't scream obscenities, I only say "boo" or "your wrong" or sometimes I say "Jesus is gonna be mad at you" (that really gets their goat I bet...). I have one little bumper sticker on my car that says: "defend marriage, vote no on 8", that's it, nothing extreme or radical. Just very simply put. I'm ready to change it and put one that says: "YOUR A DUMB ASS IF YOU THINK YOU CAN RUIN MY DAY BY DRIVING UP NEXT TO ME AND FLASHING YOUR 9 MONTH OLD SIGN THAT SHOWS WHAT A DICK YOU TRULY ARE!!!!"... too wordy?
The other thing that pisses me off is that the friggin' election was in November for Pete's sake! It's July! I mean hello? Are we really starting this fight right now? I guess so. Bring it bitches! I'm down. I'm not even kidding, I'm gonna fight this thing with my powerful bumper sticker abilities and heads will roll. Gay organizers had better start planning this thing because if this dick is holding that sign in his car to drive around town targeting us, what else is up their sleeves? I got involved a little bit this last election, but I'm getting way more involved this time. The organizers were not ready for the challenge that the Mormons brought to us, but they need to work together and get prepared. I had heard some rumours that they were not using very good teamwork to organize so, I may need to make some phone calls... (my Jesus is gonna be mad at you thing is very persuasive to the gay organizers... you can't use it though, it's already patented to me... sorry).
Anyway, that guy was an asshole and a wimp (I had a different choice of word but he's not worthy) because he had to drive off really fast. If I had thought about it, I would have got a license plate number, not to do anything to his car but just to recognize him if I saw him again so I could tell him how I feel and that it's not to late to be "saved". He's probably a closet homo. Wait, not probably, he is or he wouldn't be so mad about it. All I know is look the frick frack out mother lovin' "Yes on 8" bitches because: "I'm here! I'm queer! Get used to it!"... that should be a bumper sticker or at the very least a slogan that gay people can shout at protesters... oh, wait it already is. "Jesus is gonna be mad at you" then.