Friday, February 27, 2009

No time for The View?

I've been really busy with work, soccer and trying to finish Lily's room. I haven't really had any free time because I've worked on a lot of my regular Wednesday's off. I have so much shit to take care of around the house that I haven't even stayed caught up with The View... I have like 8 to watch... for me that's crazy, I watch The View religiously. I love that stupid show. I have a little bit of an obsession with T.V. My poor wife, I have so many shows that I Tivo, I can't keep up. People say T.V. is a waste of time and it rots the brain. That's partly true but I don't care. T.V. has got me through the rough and lonely times and I love it. The shows that are on right now are good and some of them even great. And Tivo! Who invented Tivo? That person deserves an award for best person in the world. I swear, Tivo is the greatest thing since sliced bread or cell phones. I can actually push a button once on a show to record it, twice to record every episode of that show, rewind as long as I keep it on the same channel, pause it while I pee, yell at the kids or answer the phone... fast forward through the commercials after pausing it while I peed, yelled at the kids or answered the phone, and tape one show while I watch something else or tape two shows at the same time while I'm watching something I taped earlier. What! That is amazing. And for the people who don't have Tivo or a DVR and try to say: "I don't need a DVR, I have a VCR"... No, you don't understand... this is like nothing you've ever had before. A VCR has to be set, you have to change the tape and if you have your VCR set up to record the very last episode of Friends because you have to work and Friends is your favorite show and you can't wait to watch it. Then you get home and turn the VCR on, rewind the tape that you bought especially for this episode, push play and sit excitedly in front of the T.V. then see as the tape begins that what's on it is the interview with Conan O'brien and the entire cast of Friends talking about what fun it was working with each other and how sad they are going to be now that it's over etc., etc., etc. Oh, so... there was a time change since the last time you used the VCR. Oh, ok, so you didn't tape the last episode of Friends? You taped the special on afterwards about the last episode of Friends? Oh, ok then. THAT'S WHY VCR'S AREN'T THE SAME AS TIVO!!! Get it? All right, I'll admit it, I'm obsessed.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Spring Soccer

Here we go again. I have a soccer team and our 1st game is March 1st. I have a hard time wrangling up helpers in the spring. Everyone has different priorities in the spring leagues. There's basketball practice, baseball, art class?, track and anything else that results in kids not able to go to practice. Spring break is another awesome thing that usually means I have like 4 kids for that Sunday game. Sweet. I had higher expectations for this season, I'm an optimist and was thinking positive about my spring team. Well, guess what... I scheduled a "meet n' greet" and 1 person showed up... 45 minutes late. ONE PERSON! What is that about? Anyway, Lukas and I wiped our tears and moved on. So practice,... 2 kids showed up for practice... getting closer now. I have a need for a referee, an assistant coach and a team parent. The assistant has stepped forward, the team parent has stepped forward but do I have a ref?... no, so guess who took the ref course yesterday?... that's right, me. Coach and ref. that's friggin' dedication right? The sad part is, I will probably have to ref my own games and have my assistant coach coach the game. That sucks because I like to coach. I'm not a ref, I'm a coach! Well, I have practice on Wednesday and I think most of the kids will show up. Spring is really just for fun and there's no playoffs or recording of scores and I'm just going to make it fun. It just irritates that people sign their kids up and don't commit. That's frustrating for me because I put a lot of effort into giving these kids a chance to learn and grow and play. At least I got some really sexy referee shorts and long black knee socks to wear. Look out!
Hopefully this will be a fun season and win or lose, we will have a good time!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Our canine babies

Well here they are, the dogs. Some may question, some may wonder, some may think we are crazy. Perhaps we are... but we love our dogs. They love us and it's a wonderful world. So, here they are in all their glory: Roxy (back row), Charlie, Isabella, Fritz and in the front, our latest addition... Samantha Jones.
We finally got to introduce her to Grandma (we were scared to tell Grandma... we thought she'd be mad... she wasn't.) I know, dogs are boring unless their your own. I'll limit my dog photos from now on. Just wanted to update the blog and I don't have a lot of energy or opposition to share today. Maybe in a couple days I'll give a little. Until then... meet the dogs.