Hey guess what is awesome. The white house website. Go look at it and sign yourselves up at www.whitehouse.gov. It's really cool because it has everything that is going on with our laws and policies of the Obama administration. No secrets. It's such a different style. The Bush administration had a friggin "Barney Cam" on the white house website. The friggin dog had a camera on him and walked around and somebody wrote stuff as if the damn dog was talking. What the hell is that? I mean even my kid's damn "Webkinz" website is more informative than the Barney Cam but you know, some things must have held priority for that administration and the reporter biting dog was important. Anyway, if you sign up, there is a place for comments and according to the website they will be viewed for any suggestions and before any legislation is signed it will be displayed for the public to read and comment on. Maybe it's just me, my love for this new president, but that sounds awesome. There's a blog and a whole section on the agenda that he and Biden are scheduling and lots of interesting, easy to comprehend things that please me greatly to see. I know that I'm sort of obsessed lately but that will pass, I'm sure.
Anyhow, check it out, sign up, leave your comments and bookmark it so you can periodically look at what is going on in our country. It's nice to be involved in our democracy. It's nice to know if our president plans on changing the Constitution or not. Now, if it is an emergency type law (wire-tapping might fall into that category) we won't be asked to comment, so let's hope this bastard isn't a crazy one. Just check it out and see if I'm trippin' or if this is a cool thing.